the proposal

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the proposal

eth: "you look beautiful," ethan said as you walked to the top of the eiffel tower. you smiled as you squeezed his hand in response, continuing to walk in silence. when you got to the top you saw about fifteen people total, each of them admiring the view. you gasped as you saw the view, the beauty amazing you.

"it's so pretty," you whispered as your eyes scanned the lights. ethan nodded in agreement as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"not as pretty as you," he said as he rested his chin on your shoulder. you let out a soft laugh as you turned around.

"that was so cheesy," you smiled, pulling him in for a kiss. you turned back around as you looked at the view taking it all in. it was a couple minutes before you noticed that ethan left your side. as you turned around you saw him on one knee with a small box in his hands.

you smiled as your face went into an awe thinking it was a promise ring. "y/n," ethan began, "i love you with all my heart," he said and you smiled even more. "you make me complete and i want to spend the rest of my life with you. you mean the world to me and i don't know where i would be if you weren't with me today. will you marry me?" he asked and you gasped as he lifted the lid of the box.

he stood up as you began walking closer to him, tears in your eyes. you pulled him into a hug whispering a 'yes' as people applauded around you. he pulled away and slid the ring onto your finger. you bit your lip as you looked at it, turning towards ethan as you pulled him in for a kiss.

"y/bf/n said it was perfect," ethan said as you pulled away.

"it is perfect ethan, i love you," you said as you kissed him once more, pulling away to admire the ring.

gray: you quickly walked to the car, not wanting to talk to grayson and wanting to go home. "y/n!" grayson yelled your name for the sixth time, you took in a deep breath as you continued walking.

"i don't want to talk to you!" you yelled as you stopped walking. grayson let out a frustrated sigh, as you were about to continue walking to the car you snapped, "you didn't have to beat the poor guy up and get us kicked out grayson!" you let out of frustration.

he rolled his eyes, "what did you want me to do? he was hitting on you! his next move was to kiss you or something even worse," he yelled at you causing a scene for the pedestrians walking by. you shook your head at his response, not accepting his answer.

"you could've asked him to leave. you could've handled it in a different way, not beat him up," you said trying to calm yourself down. grayson didn't say anything more and you turned back around walking to the car. you soon got to the car and sat inside, grayson started the car as he began to drive home. The car ride was quiet with the radio playing softly in the background. once you got home you walked inside the house, going to kitchen as grayson went to the bedroom.

you shook your head as your hands supported yourself against the counter. grayson came back with a few things in his hands, he grabbed his car keys once more and you turned around, now facing him, folding your arms over your chest. you furrowed your eyebrows, "i'm leaving," he said and your heart skipped a beat. it was almost as if those words could kill you.

you blinked away the tears that had welled up, "what?" you asked, your voice just above a whisper.

"i'm leaving, y/n," he said annoyed and you shook your head.


he let out a heavy sigh, "because we're arguing and i don't need this right now. i'm sorry for protecting my girlfriend and doing what i felt i needed to do. clearly this argument is going anywhere, so i'm leaving," he said walking to the garage door.

there was a lump in your throat, multiple thoughts going to your head. "for good?" you asked out loud.

he turned towards you, scared of what he was going to say next. "i don't know," he said and you wiped a tear that ran down your cheek. you walked away as you started crying more, not wanting him to see you like this.

he sighed, placing his things down and walking after you. he caught up to you before you went into the room, he pulled you into a tight hug. "please don't leave," you whispered into his chest and he nodded. after a few minutes, both of you calmed down. you were in the bathroom as you just finished wiping the leftover mascara off your face when grayson walked in.

"i know this isn't the right time but to prove to you that i'm not leaving you, ever," he stopped, kneeling on the ground while pulling a light blue box out of his pocket. you gasped, eyes widening as you began to shake a little. "y/n i'm sorry for this stupid fight. i just want to protect you all the time," he said and you smiled a little. "i love you so much and i want you to be mine forever. please tell me that you'll marry me."

you shook your head, his smile dropping. "you didn't ask, you begged," you said and he smiled again, letting out a laugh as well.

"y/n will you please do me the honor in taking my hand in marriage?" he asked and you pulled him in for a kiss.

"yes. a million times yes," you said kissing him once more.

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