removing the garter

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removing the garter

his pov

eth: "ethan dolan to the dance floor!" i heard y/n announce over the speaker, making me smile. i excused myself from talking with my friends and walked to the dance floor, being met by my beautiful wife. "garter time," she said winking, making me smile even more.

i grabbed her hand and sat her on the char, a crowed forming around us and all the single men coming closer. "are you really sure you want me to go under that dress?" i whispered making her giggle.

i kissed her cheek before getting down and lifting her dress over my head. i kissed up her leg, reaching the garter. i nibbled on her leg a little under the garter making her gasp, i smiled and kissed the spot before sliding the fabric down her leg.

gray: "your dad better not shoot me for this," i said as she pulled me onto the dance floor.

she let out a laugh as we reach the chair, "oh relax. he's protective but not protective enough to shoot you," she said and i laughed slightly as everyone gathered round.

"ready?" i asked turning around looking at the single men standing behind me, different responses coming from them. i turned back around and smiled at her, lifting her dress over my head. "oh these are nice," i said looking at her panties that were blue and slightly see through.

i kissed her thigh going up to her heat a pecking it before grabbing the garter with my teeth and pulling it down her leg. i stood up and got it from my mouth, throwing it behind me. once someone caught it, she stood up and kissed me.

"you think you're so smooth with your comment on my panties and trying to tease me, don't you?" she mumbled as she pulled away. i shook my head smiling and pulling her in for another kiss. 

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