cold feet

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cold feet

both povs

eth: i was standing at the doors, waiting to walk to the alter. the groomsmen were waiting in a line behind me as i stood in the front, unsure of myself. there was about five minutes until i walked in front of both of our families, and married the love of my life. i've been in front of thousands of people, but this was different.

i kept running my hands through my hair, walking back and forth. "e, you alright?" grayson asked, noticing my nervous gestures.

i took a deep breath in, walking over to him, "i don't know if i can do this," i said shaking my head.

"ethan, don't psych yourself out. you love y/n right?" he asked and i looked up at him, nodding and mumbling an 'of course' under my breath. "then you can do it," he reassured me.

i took a deep breath, "it's just after this, i will be with her for the rest of my life. just her – and i'm perfectly fine with just being with her but what if she isn't? what if while i'm away on tour or something, she finds someone who can make her happier and be there all the time?" i said sighing at the end.

grayson let out a chuckle, "seriously? ethan do you think she's really the type to do that? y/n literally talks about you all the time, she is in love with you!" he said and i smiled a little.

i nodded my head, fixing my suit jacket, "yeah, you're right. i don't even know why i'm stressing," i said and he smiled patting my back.

"then it looks like it's time for you to get married."

you: everyone was in the hotel room, finishing the last touches, you had about thirty minutes left. you had never been this nervous before, and you felt like you were going to faint. you kept taking deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down but nothing was working. "i need water," you said on the verge of crying.

lisa handed you a water bottle as your mom rubbed your back, trying to help. "what's wrong?" she asked and you shook your head.

"i can't – what if– " you tried speaking, words unable to form.

lisa gave you a sympathetic look before thinking of something, "hold on a second," she said grabbing her phone and typing something on her screen, then putting the phone up to her ear as she began talking to someone. you blocked her out as you tried to tell yourself encouraging words. 

she handed you her phone and you saw that she had called ethan. "ethan?" you asked, putting the phone up to your ear.

"hey baby," he said causing you to smile. "i heard you were freaking out a little," he said and you nodded.

"i don't think i can do this ethan. i'm so nervous and i really don't want to mess this up," you explained.

he hummed, "mess what up?" he asked and you closed your eyes. hearing his voice had calmed you down majorly and that's all you wanted to do for a while – just listen to him talk.

you let out a sigh, "our relationship, marriage," you let out.

"y/n, you can do this. i'm just as nervous as you and i will be with you, every step of the way. today is our day and you don't need to be worried about anything. we're both new at this but i know we will make it work," encouraging words had escaped his mouth, urging you to continue and go through with the wedding.

"i love you," you said taking a deep breath.

"i love you too."

"i'll see you in a few minutes," you said, hanging up the phone and giving it back to lisa. "thank you. that helped a lot," you hugged her.

gray: i was walking towards the doors with my groomsmen and my dad. there was about ten minutes left and i was so nervous. "alright, i will be seated in the front with your mother. i love you son," he said and i smiled, hugging him.

i walked to the other side and sat down on a bench that was just behind the doors, i looked up and ethan was looking at me. he knew i was nervous, "what's wrong gray?" he asked putting a hand on my shoulder.

i stood up and put my hands in my pockets, "what if we have a bad fight and one of us leaves? what if she realizes that i'm not the one or i get overboard and angry and she just decides she's had enough? what if i -" he interrupted me.

"grayson stop!" he said with a smile. "you're worrying about nothing, you guys are meant to be together. the way you guys connect, it's just meant to be. no one is leaving or realizing there is someone else for them. you guys are in love, it's so obvious. you have nothing to worry about," he said and i sighed.

i shook my head, "i don't know ethan. i just - what if i mess up our relationship? i can't live knowing that the reason why we're over is because of me," i said and he shook his head.

"grayson shut up! nothing is going to happen," he said as the music began to get started, indicating i should start walking down the aisle. "now go out there and get married!" he said and i smiled hugging him.

"let's go get married," i said as the doors opened and my groomsmen started to line up behind me.

you: you were standing in front of the doors, watching through the crack of the door. looking at everyone sitting and waiting for you to get married. your second to last bridesmaid was making her way down the aisle and you had a few seconds before it was time to walk. "ready baby?" you heard your dad's voice ask.

you turned around, "i don't think i can do this," you whispered, trying not to cry.

"oh baby," he said pulling you into a hug. "you look so beautiful. i know you can do this, you can do anything. you've proven everyone that. it's scary, knowing that this is the person you're spending the rest of you life with but grayson, grayson loves you. it's clear you love grayson too, and today is your day. you always make me proud y/n, and i'm proud to walk you down the aisle," he said comforting you.

"i love you dad," you said and he smiled.

"i love you too y/n," he said as you grabbed his arm, the doors opening and music beginning. 

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