wedding thoughts

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wedding thoughts

eth: "ethan please stop messing around, this is serious," you began to scold him as he continued to play with the cake samples. the two of you were trying out some cakes when ethan got bored and began playing around.

he rolled his eyes clearly annoyed, "it's just a cake, it's not as serious as you think it is," he said and huffed out a scoff. he hadn't been cooperating with you at all recently and you were getting annoyed.

the employee that was helping you excused herself from the awkward situation as you quickly turned towards him, "does this wedding even interest you anymore? do you want to get married?" you asked of frustration, instantly regretting it.

he shrugged, "i don't know. this entire time you've been boring and you're constantly nagging. it's just old," he said not thinking about the words that left is mouth.

you nodded your head slowly, "wow, okay," you said getting up and walking out of the bakery. ethan sat there, taking a few minutes to realize what had just happened. he quickly got up and ran after you, calling your name so could stop walking furiously.

"y/n, babe, i didn't mean it," he said finally catching up to you.

"i'm sorry that i've become boring and nagging, ethan," you apologized and ethan frowned at the words. "but in case you haven't registered, our wedding has fucking deadline. i just want to get things done but i can't because you won't focus, and it's not just my wedding ethan. you're the one who asked me to marry you and maybe i'm not the – " he cut you off with a kiss.

you pulled away and he looked at you, admiring the way your eyebrows were furrowed and how your eyes shined from the sun. "i'm sorry, i'm being a dick and you are the one for me, okay? God, i'm the luckiest man in the world to be marrying you," he said kissing you once more.

gray: you ran your hands through your hair as you sat at your desk looking at the venues. you were stressing about the venue; your family wanting it on the church, you wanting it in a castle. you felt the need to make sure everybody's standards were met but you were getting frustrated with the date coming closer.

"gray!" you called to your fiancé, who sat in the living room playing video games. "can you come here please?"

"one sec!" he yelled back causing you to wait in silence, clicking between the two venues. you heard a loud groan and something fall against the wooden floor. "what's up?" he asked grabbing his office chair and sitting next to you.

you sighed, "i don't know what venue to pick," you explained and he shrugged, not knowing what to do either. "don't shrug, this is your wedding too!" you said getting even more aggravated then before.

"i don't give a shit where we get married just as long as i'm marrying you," he said and you tried not smile, showing him how serious you were. "let me see," he said as you turned the computer screen towards him. you clicked on each venue showing him the pictures, "the castle," he said and you nodded.

"i just want to make everyone happy and have their standards met," you said and he smiled, pulling you into his side as his arms wrapped around you.

"i know you do babe but you can't make everyone happy. you have to be happy before everyone else because this is your wedding day, our day," he said kissing your forehead and you smiled thanking him. 

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