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his pov

eth: i walked into mine and y/n's house, ready to see her after hanging out all day with grayson. "babe?" i called through the house, finally finding her in the office, crying. "what's wrong?" i asked walking over to her and pulling your into a hug.

she sniffled and pulled away, "the venue people just called and said they double booked the venue. how the fuck do you double book a venue?" she asked getting more angry and sad at the thought.

i wiped the tears from her cheeks and hummed, "did they say they were going to fix it?" i asked rubbing her arm in a comforting way.

"she said that they would do everything they can but i guess it's someone's birthday party, i don't care. this is my wedding and i swear if anything ruins it, i'm going to lose it," she said and i pulled her into another hug, trying to calm her down.

"maybe they're civil people," i thought out loud and she let out a frustrated scream, my eyes widening.

she let out a huff, "this is my wedding day and they think they can double book the day. how fucking dumb do you have to be to actually do that? please tell me because clearly it says that that day is booked!" she said quickly, letting out all her anger.

i laughed a little, it was honestly really cute. "let me call them and see what i can do, okay?" i asked and she handed me her phone. i called the company and cleared everything up, the person had moved their party to the following weekend. "it's our weekend now," i told her and she smiled.

"sorry for being a bridezilla, this is all just making me crazy," she chuckled and i smiled. i pulled her closer to me, kissing her with more passion.

gray: "well fucking fix it!" i heard y/n's voice raise as i walked down the stairs. i furrowed my eyebrows and grabbed a glass of water before walking into the dining room. there were notebooks scattered around the table and the computer was in front of her. she had her head in her hand, her eyes closed as she listened to whoever was on the phone.

"i don't fucking care! how the fuck did you mess this up?" she asked the person, my eyes widening at the cuss words that came out her mouth. she opened her eyes, noticing me sitting across from her. i grabbed her planner, looking at all the dates she had marked down. "well i honestly don't want to hear your voice, it's annoying me right now. call me when you get it fixed," she said hanging up the phone.

i placed the planner back in front her, "who was that?" i asked.

"my mom."

i let out a loud laugh, thinking it was someone else. "what does she need to fix?" i asked, taking a sip of water.

she rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "she got the wrong center pieces and she tried to act like it was my fault. okay mom, because i'm the cause of all your mistakes," she said and i stood up behind her.

i started rubbing her shoulders, "you're stressing," i said as i continued with the massage.

"our wedding is in a month. it's going to be one of the best days of my life and all i want is for it to be amazing," she said and i nodded. "i'm sorry, i sound like a bitch," she said and kissed her cheek.

"come take a bath with me?" i said, a cheeky smile showing on my face.

she hummed, "that sounds perfect," she said getting up from her chair as i led her up the stairs. 

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