morning of

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morning of

both povs

eth: "is y/n okay?" i asked her mom as she entered the hotel room. earlier i had just gotten a text from cameron saying that she wasn't feeling so good last night.

her mom nodded her head, pouring me a cup of coffee. "she's fine, just the nerves," she said as she handed me the mug and i nodded.

"she doesn't need anything?" i asked, i hated when she was sick or not feeling good.

her mom shook her head, "ethan, she's fine. everyone is taking very good care of her, calming her down, but she sent me here to help you get ready," she said walking into the bedroom. "where's your suit?" she asked.

grayson walked out of the bathroom, wiping the sleep out of his eyes, "it's on the back of the bathroom door," he said grabbing the coffee mug and taking a sip of the coffee.

you: you woke up a second time to your best friend opening the curtains, "rise and shine! how do you feel?" she asked. memories of last night going through your head, you groaned remembering you throwing up.

"i'm fine, i just want ethan. i sent my mom to make sure he was okay," you said. "where is everyone else?" you asked noticing the quiet room.

"your bridesmaids are down stairs getting us some food. however, you need to get started on your hair because you have about two hours," she said and i nodded. i laid back down on the bed, taking a moment before fulling getting up.

gray: i felt the bed bounce as i started coming out of my sleep. i looked up and saw ethan jumping on the bed with cameron. i groaned and closed my eyes, "dude!" cameron said throwing a pillow at me. 

"gray!" ethan yelled and i opened one eye, squinting due to the brightness of the room.


cameron looked at ethan and they nodded, "you're getting married!" they said together and i smiled at the thought.

cameron sat down next to me, "my little brother is finally getting married!" she said hugging me as ethan joined. there was a knock at the door and my parents entered, joining the group hug.

my mom pulled away, wiping a few tears that had fallen, "okay okay! you have three hours to get ready and there is breakfast on its way up," she said and i smiled thanking her.

"oh has anyone heard about y/n, is she okay?" i asked and cameron nodded.

"she's good, she's excited."

you: "y/n," you heard your mom's soft voice say as she rubbed your back waking you. you shot up, looking around frantically.

her eyes widened as her eyebrows furrowed, "oh my gosh, what time is it? the wedding, i have to get ready!" you panicked and your mom chuckled.

"honey, it's not till three hours, you have some time," she said and you let out a slow breath.

"mom," you whispered, "i'm getting married!" you said excitedly.

she laughed at your excitement, "i know! i remember when you were this small and now look at you, all grown up and gorgeous, getting married," she said pulling you in for a hug.

you smiled as your best friend walked into the room, "hey! breakfast is here," she announced and you nodded standing up.

"have you heard about grayson?" you asked and she nodded.

"he's excited and ready to marry you!"

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