announcing the engagement

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announcing the engagement

 eth: you had all your friends over for a sleepover and ethan had his friends over. you thought it would be great idea to tell your friends that you were engaged together. you did your absolute best to keep everyone from seeing your left hand.

"y/n," you heard someone whisper, you looked in the direction and saw ethan waving you over. you looked at your friends and told them you would be back. you walked over to him and he closed the door once you were out of the room, pulling you in for a kiss.

you pulled away and smiled, "are we ready to tell them?" you asked and he closed his eyes shaking his head. you furrowed your eyebrows, "why not?" you asked.

"i want to tell them together but the guys are getting way too into the video games they don't even want to leave the room!" ethan stated and you nodded your head. "i'll just tell them and you can tell your friends," he said placing a soft kiss on your forehead.

you sighed pulling away from him, your hand going to the doorknob, "okay," you said twisting it.

"kiss," he said before you could pull it open. you turned around and smiled, giving him a lingering peck. he groaned knowing that you were being a tease, "by the way, your ass looks good in those shorts," he said and you shook your head, a firm smile on your lips.

you opened the door, seeing your friends all crowded by the entrance. "what on earth are you guys doing?" you asked, walking and closing the door behind you.

"we were curious, it's not like you haven't snuck away to have sex with ethan before or anything," your best friend said and you gaped hitting her in response.

"okay well no we weren't even talking about sex," you began as you sat down on the carpet, your friends following after you. "we wanted to tell you that we're engaged!" you announced, lifting your left hand in the air. 

gray: he wanted to make sure the fans knew as soon as possible. the two of you had already told a few family members and only a few close friends. it was important for grayson to let the fans know about this huge moment in his life.

"hey guys, i'm back!" grayson said once the camera started recording. "ethan has let me take over the video today because he can't be here to record a video with me, so i have a special guest here with me," he said getting ready to introduce you. "y/n!"

you moved into the frame, "hey everyone!" you smiled.

"this is called the y/ship/n challenge because – well you're going to find out," he said and you nodded your head.

"this is like the boyfriend, girlfriend tag but we made it slightly different," you explained. you got started, answering questions for a couple minutes. you kept your left hand out of the frame and waited for grayson to ask the certain question.

grayson smiled at the camera and then at you, "y/n, when did i ask you to marry me?" he asked and you nodded. you scratched the side of your cheek with your left hand and then moved your hair, trying to make the ring as noticeable as possible.

"two weeks ago, june 16," you said and he nodded, kissing you.

grayson turned towards the camera, "so there it guys, i'm getting married! that's all for this week's video. if you're happy for us, give it a like. if you're not happy for us -"

"give it a like!" you said and he laughed.

"peace!" you both yelled as the camera shut off. 

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