kenny x reader

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(3rd person pov)

y/n swayed her hips to the music In the club, witch just happens to be her favorite place of earth.
she loved going to the club, seeing the party people all drinking and having fun with friends, but she was alone.
   y/n then noticed a young boy looking at her, he looked to be about her age and had long blonde locks.
Y/n blushed as the boy smirked at her. y/n wasn't looking to meet anyone , she had seen many other guys at the club too, but was never interested.
"Hey cutie. Wanna go to the back and make out?" The boy says with a sly smirk.
"I'm not that kinda girl.... I'm a respected woman." She say
   She blushes with a small worried frown.
   "Don't worry hun~ I won't hurt you." The boy cooed.
   That's when you recognized him. That was Kenny McCormick from your college.
   "HOLY SHIT KENNY  IS THAT YOU?" You ask out of the blue.
"Oh my god! Perv!" You screamed at him while laughing and hugging him playfully.
Your high school crush, and the blonde boy that sits 2 rows in front of you in Science.
  He chuckled as you clung to him, as if he was enjoying this a much as you were.
   Wishful thinking maybe?
   I think not.
   He put his arm around you and pulled you to the small bar and you both sat on stools.
   "Two martinis please!" He called to the bartender.
   The Mexican man who was bar tending had a thick mustache and didn't give you a very good vibe.
   He made you very uncomfortable, as he gazed at you like he was undressing you with his eyes.
   "Hey, her eyes are up there buddy." Kenny snaps with an unimpressed expression.
   The man averted his eyes to Kenny, and slightly shivered.
   Kenny was about 6'2 and was a very intimidating person, with a vibrant personality.
   "Sorry sir." The man said with a panicked look.
   "Good. Now that that's over two martinis please!" Kenny practically changed his look and mood in 1.9 seconds.
   Kenny changed his moods as though he had his man period.
  "Ok sir."
   You read the man's name tag, and it appears his name is Nicos.
   "I love martinis!!" You say while laughing and breaking the uncomfortable silence that had settled around you three.
   "I know, that's why I ordered them." Kenny says with a small pink tint to his normally-pale cheeks.
   "How did you know that?" You ask confused.
   You had never been very close with Kenny and had never hung out with him out of school. How did he know that?
   "Remember that party you went to a couple months ago."
   "Yea?" Where was he taking this?
   "I noticed all you ordered from the mini bar was martinis, so I assumed that you liked them." He stated bluntly.
   "Oh. That makes sense."
   "Heh... I probably did sound a little stalker-ish didn't I..." He smiles geek-ily and laughs.
   "Just a smidge." You say holding up your fingers to show a small amount.
   You both laugh as Nicos sets down your drinks.
   You grin and swipe at it and gulp it in about 2.8 seconds flat.
   "Whoa, now that's some lady-like behavior." He smirks as you giggle and shrug.
   "I'm not up for those things called gender roles anyways." You laugh and roll your eyes as he shoots you a little smirk.
   "So how has the high school legendary play-boy been doing?" You ask changing the subject.
   "Not so good actually, Stan and Kyle kinda dumped me, and Cartman can't really be considered a friend anyways..." He trails off while looking down, his happy face dissolved and was replaced with a pained stare.
   "If they did that then they were never your friends." You say, rubbing his shoulder.
   "Hey you know you give pretty good advice y/n.." He slightly smiles and looks up at you.
   "Yea I guess i get it from personal experience." You smile sadly back at him and he puts his head on your shoulder.
   "Your a cool girl, you know that?" He informs with a toothy, appreciative grin.
   "Am i now?" You say with a small giggle.
   "I wish I could have a gf/bf like you." He gets lost in thought.
   "I don't see why you can't." You say, snapping him into reality.
   "No girls like you like me..." He says with a saddened look.
   "I know of one." You say with a sad smile.
   Well, tonight will either be the best night of your life or the worst.
   "Me." You blush furiously and play around with your hands, not really knowing what to do with them at the moment.
   "Really?" You look over and see he has a large red blush covering his cheeks, and a hopeful grin plastered on his face.
   "Yea...." You smile sheepishly.
   He pounces on you and screams with joy.
   "Woah there tiger!" You say as he almost knocks you over.
   "I love you!" He kisses your cheek and picks you up, twirling you like a ballerina.
   "Kenny stop put me down!" You manage to get out through laughs.
   "No!" He chuckles while burying his face in your neck.
   "Oh my god you goof!" You giggle and he finally puts you down.
   You get on your tiptoes and kiss him on the lips.

   And that was the start of a beautiful relationship with your ,now husband, Kenny McCormick.


So i actually updated finally..... this was fun.
mischievist (krystin read this shit)

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