Wendy x Female! Reader

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Y/n paced around her room, trying to decide on telling the group or not. She was very conflicted.
"If I tell them, they might find me
weird, and I may not be popular anymore.... but if I don't, I won't be able to clear my mind." She let out a sigh as she thought aloud.
   "Y/n honey, it's time to go to school."
   Y/n panicked as she heard her mothers voice.
   "Mom please let me stay home today, I'm so stressed..." she trailed off as she saw the infuriated look on her mother's face.
   "No Y/n, school is more important than your mental state, you have to go." Y/n's mother set the girl's book bag on the stairs and yelled again for her to get her ass down the stairs.
   "Yes mom." She sighed and picked up her book bag, and trudged out of the house.
   She walked slowly and wearily down the street, not wanting to be hurt or kidnapped. She, unlike common belief, was very paranoid about everything, and had trouble relaxing when she wasn't in the comfort of her own cozy bedroom.
   "Why hello Y/n!" She heard a pleasant voice from behind her, and was scared for a moment, before recognizing that the high pitched voice belonged to one of her secret best friends, Butters.
   "Butters you know we can't hang out outside of my house!" She quickly looked around to make sure no one else was watching, "I have a reputation to keep up, and your one of the dorkier kids in school."
   Y/n looked mildly depressed at how she had just acted, but she told herself it was for the greater good, even though that wasn't entirely true.
   She of course only did this because if she lost her popularity she couldn't get close to her crush anymore. This crush is what she was very conflicted about, because, she was a girl.
   Y/n l/n had a crush on one of the most popular girls in school, Wendy Testaburger, and was very afraid to tell the group she was gay.
   "Gee y/n, I wouldn't want you to become unpopular. I'll stop by your house at the normal time, and then we can talk in secret." The bubbly boy walked off, and Y/n felt guilty, but happy all around to have such a good friend that wouldn't even be upset to be pushed aside for popularity.
   She kept moving, quicker this time, and listened to the rhythmic crunching of the snow beneath her feet.
   She grew paranoid once again and thought she heard a second pair of crunches, but when she turned around, no on was there.
   Was she being followed?
   She brushed off her feeling of paranoia and fear, and continued to keep an eye out, and walk to school.
   As soon as she reached the front gates of the school, she sat on a bench for a little rest, being out of breath from walking to school.
   As she sat, she heard another noise behind her. She turned around quickly, and was relieved but yet confused, there was nothing there.
   She shrugged it off and got back up to go out her book bag in her locker, and grab her binder for 1st period.
   "Hey Y/n!" She heard a voice behind her, and turned around with a smile, because she couldn't act paranoid or afraid of voices at school, she had a reputation to uphold.
   "Hey Lola!" The e/c eyed girl smiled brightly as she walked up to her fake-friend, "What's up?"
   "You won't believe what I heard!" She whispered into her ear and pulled her away from everyone, into an abandoned hall (there was a lot of abandoned hallways and classrooms at South Park High).
   "What?" Y/n kept her voice low, ready to receive some gossip, like she always did from Lola. Lola was the girl that knew about everyone's lives but her own. She always had new gossip, and with Y/n being one of the most popular girls at school, she always told her.
   "Okay, so, you know Jason?" Lola was smiling evilly now.
   "The kid with the sideburns? Yea." Y/n was grinning maniacally too.
   "He got dumped by Heidi Turner, and he's been spreading rumors about how they had sex!" She was acting really serious, and giving Y/n a look that said that they needed to figure out if that was true.
   "Holy shit!" Y/n laughed meanly, "What a slut!"
   Y/n felt bad after having said that, but yet again, she had a reputation to uphold.
   "We should go talk to him, to make sure the rumors are true before we ruin her life." Lola laughed and Y/n agreed.
   "Jason! Will you come with us for a second?" The two girls pulled Jason away from his friend group.
   "Yea?" He seemed confused, but Chill with them pulling him away.
   "Is it true?"
   "Did you really sleep with Heidi Turner?!"
   "Yea." He smirked.
   "Got anything to prove it?" They smiled maliciously as he smirked and pulled out his phone.
   He opened his photos, and pulled up a photo of Heidi on his bed, wearing just panties and underwear.
   "What a whore!" Lola crossed her arms as she trash talked her former fake friend.
   "Yea, she really is a whore too. This was the third day we were dating."
   "Perfect. Do you have any of her nudes?" Y/n smiled, ready to fulfill her plan of ruining Heidi, besides, Heidi deserved it, she was getting to close to Wendy.
   "Yea, I have like 8 nude pictures of her."
   "Good, send them, she'll be sorry she ever broke with you." Jason smiled at Y/n and sent the pics immediately.
   Y/n sent them to Lola, so if a teacher finds out, she wouldn't get caught, but instead Lola would easily be able to take the blame.
   Lola started a group chat, and sent the nudes to the whole student body, and posted the pictures on Facebook, Instagram, on her Snapchat story and sent them directly to Heidi, asking her to explain herself.
   Y/n laughed at what she had done when she got to lunch. Heidi was sitting by herself, getting dirty looks from almost everyone in the school.
   She only fake laughed though, because if she was honest, she felt horrible for doing such a thing to another living creature.
   She felt sympathy for Heidi, and almost wanted to go and sit with her, but instead, she got her head in straight again, and fixed her posture as to not show weakness in front of the other girls. The last thing she needed right now was for the popular girls to try to take her place.
   She smiled and played it cool, and was immediately thrown out of her thoughts when Wendy cane and sat next to her.
   "Hi Y/n." Wendy's high pitched voice was music to Y/n's ears, and she felt her worries slip away as she let the soft voice fill her thoughts.
   "Hey Wendy."
   "Do you maybe wanna sleep over tonight?" Wendy had a slight tint of red to her cheeks, and y/n was blushing madly, but quickly accepted.
   "Sure, I'll come over around 6 that good?"
   "Y-yes of course.
   Wendy was surprisingly shy for a popular girl, especially with 2 people, Y/n L/n and Stan Marsh.
Y/n recovered from her blushing state, as to not draw suspicion, and nibbled at her peanut butter and jelly sandwich (If you have a Peanut allergy, imagine it to be something else).
She examined her nails, making sure her nail polish did not chip or smudge during the events of this morning. She figured out that they in fact had chipped, and pulled out her f/c nail polish from her purse.
She opened the bottle and spread on a layer of the shiny polish slowly, as to not mess up and paint her skin. After she had finished, she gently put the polish back into her purse.
She hadn't thought about the fact that now she could not eat the rest of her lunch until her nails dried. Just great.
She sighed and blew on her nails, hoping that the now tacky coat of f/c would dry quicker if she surrounded it in cold air.
After the coat was dry and shiny, she glanced at the clock to see how much time she had wasted, and sighed.
   Looks like she wasn't eating today...
   The bell rang and she proceeded to her next class with Lola and Nichole.
   After the last bell of the day rang, she quickly packed her things and pulled her phone out, sending Butters a quick text.
   Y/n: Hey Butters, I can't hang out at normal time today, because guess what!
   Butters: What?!
   Y/n: Wendy invited me over for a sleepover tonight!
    Butters: That's great!! You should tell her how you feel while your there,
   Y/n: ya know what! Im gonna!
   Butters: Yay! Good luck!!!
   Y/n :Thanks Butters!
   Butters was the only one that knew of her crush on Wendy, and was very supportive of it, even saying multiple times that he would freak out and make fam fiction if they ever go together, exclaiming that they were his OTP.
   He really was a very good friend.
   Y/n looked up when she saw Wendy approaching her.
   "Hey Y-y/n... you ready t-to go?" She was blushing and acting very shy, causing y/n to also blush.
   "Yea." They walked out of the school, their backpacks swinging in sync with their steps.
   It was fairly silent the whole walk, until they ran into Craig making out with Tweek in an alley.
  Though it pained the small girl to say this, she called them fags, and then kept walking with her crush.
   She had picked up on the pained look on Wendy's face when they had to call the two lovers fags.
   She wondered why.
   She let her mind run away and got excited, thinking maybe that Wendy is gay too, but her dreams were shattered with reality, realizing that Wendy is popular and there was no way that she was Gay.
   Y/n sighed as they approached Wendy's house, and Wendy looked concerned.
   "What's wrong?"
   "I- did it hurt you inside to call them fags too?" She blurred out without thinking.
   "Yea, it did." Wendy looked down at the ground in shame.
   "Why did it? I know why it pained me but I can't tell you..." Y/n knew she had fucked up when Wendy made a questioning expression.
   "Now you've peaked my interest. Why did it hurt you?" She looked at the small girl, who's face was as red as a tomato, contrasting her s/c face and e/c eyes.
   "Promise you won't tease me?"
   "I 100% promise."
   "I-I'm gay." Y/n held her breath, waiting for a shocked and disgusted response, but was confused when she heard laughing.
  "I'm gay too!" Wendy hugged the bow highly confused and flustered girl, "I thought I was the only one!"
   "I'm glad I'm not alone then." Y/n smiled, watching as her chances of claiming the black haired beauty as hers raised higher.
   Now all she had to do was tell the girl she in fact had a huge crush on her.
   If only it was as easy doing it as it is to say it.
   The two girls pained each other's nails and listened to boy bands all most all of the rest of the night.
   They occasionally talked about how bad they felt for teasing certain people, and Y/n felt good to get that Butters was her best friend off of her chest.
   She learned that Wendy's best friend was secretly Pip Pirrup, and that he was very supportive of her being gay, because he was gay himself.
   Y/n decided that it was the perfect time to tell her about her feeling when they were about to go to sleep.
   "W-Wendy, can I tell you something?"
   "Yea anything."
   "I- I think I love you."
   The small h/c haired girl was surprised to, instead of being met by disgusted ranting, was met with a soft pair of lips on her own.
   She shot her e/c eyes open, and saw Wendy's closed ones.
   Wendy was kissing her.
   Her dream had come true.

Hey guys! I'm working on two requests at the moment, and I promise they will be out in a bit. I'm kinda busy this week, because I'm going on vacation, and there won't be any Wifi probably. If there is Wifi I might be able to update at night, if not you guys probably won't hear from me for a little while, hope you guys understand! Have a great rest of your night/morning/day!


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