chapter 3 Snow on the side

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I giggled as I watched Colt just watch Anna, making sure her food was cool enough and not choking on it. It was just too cute! "So Anna, tell me about your pack?" I smiled grabbing a coke. "I have an older brother! As soon as he finds his mate he can be Alpha! His name is Snow and I love him to death!" Anna smiled. 'Don't worry, soon she will love you more, but not until she meets her wolf.' I linked to Colt as he looked sad. "And daddy and mommy are the Alpha and Luna; I am considered the runt of the pack even if I am the Alpha's daughter. Our warrior and huge!!! I like to get rides from them and they just laugh and let me. Our pack really isn't that mean unless one of us is in danger." Anna smiled.

"So tell me more about Snow? You seem to look up to him." Colt smiled, good sense I wanted to know more about him as well, I liked the name it was cool. "Well he is very protective of me; he is mean and rude but nice to me and me alone.  He gets in fights a lot, he is ripped but not as big as the warriors so that is good, the warriors look nasty. He is quiet most of the time and stays locked in his room or the gym." Anna smiled thinking of her big brother. "And speaking of our brothers." I sighed and Axel walked in with a blonde bimbo on his arm.

"Is that your brother?" Anna asked looking up. "Yeah, we are twins though we look nothing alike. And we are totally nothing alike." I explained and took a sip of my drink and looked at the clock. "Colt, we need to be leaving now to make it on time." I said and quickly jumped up and walked out the door. "Axel, you run ahead, we will be there in a minute. Blade needs to ride on my back with Anna to make sure she is fine." Colt said and shifted and lies down. I picked Anna up and placed him on her back and then jumped on his back, he growled at me slightly and I just giggled and we were off.

After a bit we finally got to the falls, it was where meetings took place since no one owned it. I got down and took my boots off liking the feeling of the water on my feet. The falls is just a big and beautiful water fall. I sat down and Anna sat next to me, Colt on her other side. We were about five minutes early and waiting. "Daddy!" Anna squealed when a twig snapped revealing a large brown wolf. "You are not my not daddy!" Anna spat, and then the stench of rotting flesh hit us; there were some rouges here. A male walked out in only shorts, he looked nasty. "Give us the girls and no one gets hurt!" He smirked and like that a fight had broken out. I quickly stripped and dropped my clothes, we all have seen each other naked, and it was just a pack thing.

"Anna you need to get on Blade's back and you two run!" Colt growled as I shifted and he placed Anna on my back. I raced off and got out of the clearing only to be hit in the back by two wolves. I fell and quickly moved Anna behind me and she was up against the tree standing there. I growled and leapt for the she wolf as the she looked at Anna. I bit her back and shook my head, ripping chunks of meat off of her and she howled in pain. The male lunged for me and I dodged and kicked him in the ribs just as the female bit my leg snapping my leg but it was already starting to heal.

I grabbed the girl by the throat and shook my head vigorously and she fell to the ground as I ripped her throat out. The male howled and I started to feel funny. 'Kill this rouge now! Or we will look week!' Star growled out. I bit the male’s neck and kept shaking, not able to get a good grip. I then felt this wave of power, it made me want to submit but I didn't. It was so freaking intense. I tried to smell the scent but all I could smell was blood. "Snow!!!" Anna squealed and I guess it was her brother. He growled and the power in it shook me, making me want to submit and let him take me in wolf form this instant, it made me get horny in less than a Nano second.

In a black flash the rouge was ripped out of my mouth and thrown to the ground and was killed instantly. Another rouge female, guessing his mate by the look in his eyes, ran at me. I jumped and dodged but she was heading for Anna not me. I grabbed her tail in my jaws and yanked her back, she yelped and as I slammed her into the tree she bit my already broken leg and broke it again and I yelped and fell. "BLADE NO!" Anna cried out and then the black blur was on the rouge, killing her easily as ripping paper.  There stood this massive ass wolf, larger than me and my alpha and that is fucking huge!!!!!! It turned back around to face me and we locked eyes, his beautiful grey ones swirled with a bright blue and black. He was my mate.

"Blade how badly hurt are you?" Anna panicked racing over to me as the black wolf walked over, I could see his muscles flexed with power as he walked, and he was turning me on by just walking!!! I licked her face and she giggled. My brother's tan wolf raced over to me and Colt's russet wolf ran straight to Anna. 'Here are your clothes, shift.' Axel sent me and I whimpered, my mate growled. "Snow no! They both helped me! That is Blade and Axel!" Anna panicked and I wolf chuckled.

[Edited 2/22/2014]

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