chapter five

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Axel's POV

He took her, he took my little sister. Well even if we are twins I look at her as a little sister. I can't believe he just took her like that, didn't even give her a day to say her good byes and pack. I hate that bastard already. It doesn't help that he is known as the cruelest werewolf alive. He is cold hearted and my I just want to strangle him. I went and took a shower and went to Blade's room, only to remember that she was taken by that bastard. 'She is with her mate. She is fine. Do not worry because one day you will take someone's little sister or baby girl as your own and you will know how they feel. Calm down' my wolf growled in annoyance.

Snow's POV

I had my mate in my arms, she was sleeping as her leg healed and she was just breath taking. 'My mate, we need to mate her soon, or at least mark her. She is so delicious man I am horny already!' Moon my wolf panted, I couldn't agree more with him. We needed to mate her soon and mark her even sooner, but I will wait until she is ready.  I could still smell a faint trace of her arousal from earlier and it had both me and my wolf panting.

"Sno...Mhmm." Blade moaned in her sleep and it hits me in the face, literally. She was aroused and my god she was wet I could feel the heat through her shorts and my shirt. I was panting and my wolf was as I felt a tent being pitched down below. 'Dam it boy! Mark her now before I take control!!!!' Moon growled and I felt him trying to take control. I growled and froze; my father looked back to me. "Son? What-" Father stopped when he smelt it himself. A few of the unmated males froze and sniffed deeply in the air, a couple started to pant and I growled loudly. As soon as I growled loudly, the strength of the arousal increased.  I groaned as I felt myself got harder and harder. Blade moaned softly in my arms and I stopped and laid her down and sat ten feet from her trying to control myself, my wolf wanted out and he was trying to.

Blade's POV

"Blade I love you...” Snow purred as he licked down my body gently nipping at my flesh. He suddenly growled loudly and it started more heat. "Snow? What is it?" I asked and he eyed me before shifting and I was face to face with his wolf, Moon. "Mate calm down or I will take you now." Moon growled and I purred.

I awoke with a start and looked to my left. Snow was on his hands and knees about ten feet away. "Snow, What’s wrong?!" I panicked and he growled lowly in the back of his throat. "Calm yourself, I can't take much more." Snow growled and froze. "Snow, I am sorry I must-" I choked. "Mate, hush. Your voice is turning me more on. The human is trying to fight me. But I will soon win. I want to give you time but I can't help it." Moon growled. "Moon please calm down." I whispered and he shifted and took off running somewhere. I groaned and ran my hands through my hair.

I was lost and didn't know where to go; I was still in my pack land and didn't know where Snow's pack lands were. I sighed and turned around and decided to go back to my house and pack since Snow hadn't let me. He just took me out. I started running back home. I made it in about ten minutes and rushed to my room. I didn't know how long I had. I started to pack and was almost done when there was a core heating growl ripped through the air. I was pushed back on my bed and looked up into Snow's eyes; his wolf was at the surface.

"You dare leave me?" both Moon and Snow growled and buried their head in my neck inhaling. "No, I was only packing so I can go with you. You left with me before I could even say bye or pack my belongings." I rushed out he nipped at my neck. "You left and came back here. You left us?!" Moon roared and I flinched and his eyes softened a bit. "No, I promise you love, I am yours and yours alone." I cooed and kissed his cheek, he purred. "You promise, you swear?" Sow asked his voice rough. "Of course, you are my mate Snow-" I gasped as I felt his canines dink into the flesh of my neck, he had just marked me.

[Edited 2/22/2014]

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