Chapter ten

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Blade's POV

We walked into the ballroom, this place was magnificent! It was huge and as I looked around I saw beautiful people. I was stunned, sure werewolves are naturally good looking but I've never seen this many in one pack. "Wow, so many people/" I whispered and Snow chuckled. "You are ok; I will be next to you the entire time love." Snow cooed helping calm my nerves and wrapped me protectively in his arms. We walked down the staircase as everyone bowed seeing us. "Welcome everyone! The Ball tonight is in celebration of finding our New Luna!! Blade Anderson, she is my true mate and the New Luna of this pack. You all must show her respect and welcome her tonight." Snow raised our entwined hands in the air and smiled proudly.

We made our rounds greeting everyone, there were so many people it will be hard for me to remember everyone. "Are you thirsty or hungry?" Snow asked and just as I replied my tummy growled. "I will be right back love." Snow chuckled and kissed my cheek. I smiled and continued to walk around. Anna was in the back of the room talking to some girls that looked about 15. I walked over and smiled. "Hello, my name is Blade, how are you all?" I smiled politely. "Hey Blade! We are all good; this is Emily, Jordan, Tiffany and Sparta." Anna smiled. "Hey there." I smiled and one girl, Sparta looked at me with disgust. "Sparta right? Is something wrong?" I asked annoyed that this kid was looking at me with so much disgust and hatred. "You aren't the Luna; you are just a replacement since Snow's true mate rejected him." She spat and I gawked at the little girl.

Star was getting pissed and pissed real quickly. "What the heck?" I growled trying to control mine and Starr's anger. "Yea, Snow isn't your true mate you are just a slut." Sparta spat and I growled lowly. "No she isn't Sparta! Watch your tongue before I cut it off." Anna growled loudly, people were now staring. "She is only telling the truth Anna, learn your place runt." A girl about my age snarled in disgust walking over. She was about 5'7, blonde hair with brown tips and caked makeup. And her dress that hugged her WAY TOO TIGHTLY. It barely covered her ass and she had freaking stripped heels on. But she would probably be pretty if not for that makeup and her clothing, she is very slutty looking.

"No one talks to her like that." Star growled and I agreed. "Take what you said to Anna back now you slut." I spat and now everyone was whispering and gawking. "No, she needs to know the truth; I rejected her brother because his dick was to small and can't please me. But he has gotten bigger now and I want him back, he is my true mate and that runt-" She didn't finish and I kicked my heels off, and unzipped my dress growling. "See you are such a slut, stripping in public." The girl laughed and I loud growl ripped thru the air. "BLADE WHAT THE HELL?!" Snow snarled he was on the opposite side of the ball room at the entrance; I barely herd him as I shifted into my pure white wolf.

Everyone gasped and some growled as I attacked the girl, no one is allowed to talk like that about Anna. "Mutt." She gasped and Went to kick me with her heels but with as huge as I am, it done nothing. I bit her side just as she shifted and let out a yelp of pain. She shifted into a blonde wolf and jumped at me and landed on my back, I flipped us and slammed her onto her back she yelped and bit my back. I felt her nails digging into my back and I groaned and jumped off and bitt her leg; shaking my head furiously. 'Blade what happened?' Snow panicked in the mind link and I replayed the conversation from the little girl's glare.

'Show her that you are the true Luna' Snow growled pissed. "Get off her!" Sparta screamed and went o hit me but was tackled by a smaller familiar brown wolf; Anna.  Colt rushed forward and wrapped his arms Anna and pulled her back, Anna whimpered. "Shift back now!" Snow growled. The girl shifted under me, she was naked and covered I blood. I shifted and stood above the girl, straddling her waist my face inches from hers as my hand gripped her throat tightly, my nails digging in her flesh. "Learn your place you mutt. No one disrespects Anna or me. Do I make myself clear? I am your Luna and you will know your place." Star took over and growled the last part. The girl just whimpered and tried to shrink away in a ball. "Am I clear?" Star growled and it even shocked me with the power in her voice.

"Yes!" The girl cried out and I felt a jacket being laid over me and pulled me up. I growled and turned to attack but realized it was only Snow and I wrapped my arms around him and inhaled his scent trying to calm down. He held me protectively and growled as he tightened his grip. "What the hell is going on?" Alpha Luke came storming over as someone threw clothing over the girl. "She called Anna a runt, Blade a slut and more crap. Put her in cell until I decide her punishment!" Snow growled. "You can't do this! I love you Snow! I am your true mate!" She screamed as the guys started dragging her away. "We dated for a month then you cheated! I am done with your sorry ass and should have never got with you." Snow growled. "But I am pregnant with your child!" She screamed and I jumped back and looked at Snow who growled lowly. "You lying bitch!" I snarled and punched him in the face before he picked me up and carried me up till his room.

[Edited 2/22/14]

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