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Unknown's POV

I watched as he was ripped to shreds, feeling only guilt. If it wasn't for me he would still be alive. 'Not our fault, he knew what the mission was but acted to early, stupid mutt.' my wolf laughed, I swear she was an evil bitch sometimes.

I took out my cell and called him, He picked up one the secong ring. "What the hell babe? I am a bit busy." He snarled and I knew it would cause me to be punished when I get back.

"Babe, the dam mutt acted to fast, he is being ripped to shreds as we speak." I said in a careful tone, knowing he how angry he can get in a split second. "What!?" He snarled and I herda ylp in the back ground and felt bad for the slut of the minute.

"I want you to hurry and get back to me immediately, I can't have them hurt you. It is to dangerous, hurry and get back now. And on the way back, pick up your brother, I am sure he would like revenge for his ex-lover." He chuckled.

"Yes master, I am on my way." I smiled and I herd Him groan. "You better hurry up babe, I can't wait much longer, I am glad the mutt is gone. I hated seeing you two together. Oh look dam I am so hard. Hurry back my kitten." He chuckled causing me to groan.

I was very wet and wanting Him this very second, I could already imagine his hands all over me and taking me in every way possible. 'Stop because it hurts to think about it.' My wolf whined.

It ruly did hurt, he hasn't claimed me yet he keeps promising he will when the time is right. There fore we couldn't have sex or we would lose control, I've have been sexually frustrated for some time now, all because of that bitch!

When I get my hands on Her I swear that will be the end. I will kill her my dam self and be glad so I can finally have Him.

Picking up my cell I did as He asked and told my brother to be ready I was picking him up and then we were heading back home. I can't wait.

So this is A short filler/hint type. Can you guess who this Him and her are? What about who is talking and the brother? Let me know. If you can get everyone that is hinted to in here correct the next chapter will have a shout out for you, counts for the first five people.

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