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Sorry guys but if you put just '1' '2' '3' 38' 'a' b' 'c' d' ect. it won't be counted, I will go through and deletes them. But umm yea so here we go!!!!!

Blade's POV

After we finally got Adam calmed down and we all agreed he needed to go see the pack doctor for therapy and he agreed to go at least once. "So we are going to meet my parents, but afterwards the doctor's." I smiled and Adam nodded hugging me. "I am sorry for the way I acted. I know you only want to help us." Adam apologized and with that we all left.

I pulled up to my parent's house, Colt and Anna were in wolf form playing around and as my father rushed out. "Alpha Colt, Alpha Snow." My father bowed. "Daddy!" I smiled and hugged him as he stiffened but hugged me back. "Luke, where is your mate, Diana?" Snow asked looking around. "She is in the house cooking, do you all want to come in?" Dad smiled. Adam cleared his throat and I smiled. "Daddy, meet Adam and Ally, I saved them when I was captured by vampires and Axel. They are apart of this family, Snow's parents are taking them in." I smiled as Ally hid behind my leg.

"Hey there sweetie." Dad smiled and crouched down and Adam growled lowly and I snapped my head to look at him and he stopped. "Who are you?" Ally whispered. "Ally this is my dad. Say hello." I crouched down and she smiled. "Hi there, my mommy and daddy are I heaven watching over me." Ally smiled and shook my father's hand. "Wow, nice." Dad didn't know what to say. "Luke what are you doing?" Mom's voice snapped and she froze when she saw us. Then her face lit up seeing Colt and Adam, I always thought she was a hoe.

"welcome Alpha Snow, Alpha Colt and young man. And who is this cutie pie?" Mom faked smiled down at Ally. "My little sister Ally." Adam spoke quietly. "Who are you young man, you sure look nice." Mom smiled and walked over to examine him, I watched as he squirmed and I growled at her. She turned back to face me. "You growling at me? Why you brat. I am your mother, show respect!" She snapped and I seen Snow tense as well as dad. "You are no mother of mine." I glared back. " You!" Mom snarled and went to slap me but I caught her wrist and broke it. "Bow down! Do not challenge me, an Alpha female!" I snarled, my wolf at the surface, I herd Snow purr from the sight.

"Stop, why did you come here?" Dad asked. "I was going to let you guys know you have a grandson on the way. But seems like it was a mistake to even bother fixing the past." I spat and mom smiled. "Come inside dear, we can all eat, I just made your favorite. "Baby pig, soon wolf." Mom smirked and a loud growl erupted from both mine and Snow's chest as he tackled her to the ground Anna snarling next to them. "You dare say anything like that again I will kill you." Snow snarled as guards rushed over. "Take her to the cells!" Colt growled and my mom was just laughing as dad sighed.

"Since we are here, let's go meet my cousin, Lexis. She is a pack doctor here." I sighed as my dad bowed to us. "It didn't have to end like this." I spat as I walked past him. "You're right. be careful, there is something going on with you brother and mother, I think they plan on killing you and taking over." Dad warned and I growled. "They will not do anything of the sort, they will be killed the next time I lay my eyes on them." I promised and he bowed his head. "Dam babe, that was amazing. Made me horny." Snow chuckled. "Later." I smirked as we reached the pack hospital.

"I am looking for Lexis David." I said to the receptionist and that is when Adam started fidgeting. "What is it?" I asked and his eyes shifted colors. So he has a mate and that wasn't his mate back than. He growled and ran off. "Sir you can't go back there!" The ldy yelled. I followed after Adam to see he had a girl pressed against the wall and growling softly. "Ally stay over there." I warned her and she nodded. "Don't go, stay." Snow warned me and we watched as he bent down and inhaled the girls scent. Only a second later a huge warrior, I realized was Don, Lexis's boyfriend came storming over growling. Oh shit!!!!!

"Lexis?" I gasped and Adam growled as the girl pushed him away and ran for me. "Blade how have you been!!!" Lexis squealed. "Mate." Adam growled stalking forward when Don reached Lexis nd held her tightly. "No she is mine, we are engaged." Don snarled and I looked at a scared Lexis. "Lexis, your are only 16 why are you going to get married?" I asked and she looked down. "Don't tell me you are..." I sighed. "No!!!! It's just father wants us to marry since I was never going to have a mate." Lexis sighed. "You have me, I am yours." Adam growled and wrapped his arms around her as Don growled. "Mine." Adam smirked and kissed Lexis and she responded immediately. "The hell!?" Don screamed. "Just go, its over. "Snow chuckled and Don walked off pissed as Lexis and Adam made out, ewww.

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