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Chapter 11

Slut's POV

"I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!! WITH YOUR SON!!!" I screamed as the men started to drag me away but they stopped when I said I was holding their next Alpha in my care. "Alpha Luke?" One warrior questioned, he knew that it was true and that if he hurt the next Alpha, meaning to or not, born or not, he would die instantly. Alpha Luke looked me up and down. "Clarasnow, is this true?" Alpha Luke growled as he came toward me. "Of course, Snow is MY true mate, we had sex trice, he never marked me since I didn't want to be marked just yet, It hurts thinking of my brother and his mate. Remember they marked and the next day she was killed by rouges therefore killing my brother? I didn't think I could handle it! But now I realize how stupid I was, I regret telling him we could mate just not mark each other! I cried myself to sleep when I found out I was carrying our pup, because news had that he found his 'true' mate when I was already here pregnant with his pup." I cried.

"Clarasnow, you know that If you are lying to me you-" Alpha Luke stopped when he saw more tears he sighed loudly. "Do you know how bad it feels to have someone say that your true mate is theirs? How bad it hurt when I felt him mark her? Knowing I am pregnant with his pup and he denies it!! It is killing me Alpha Luke! I want my mate back with me because our pup is already missing his father! I will be dammed if someone tries to take MY TRUE MATE AWAY." I growled out, he stared at me as if he was thinking or mind linking someone.

"Clarasnow, when did you and my son find out you were true mate?" Luna Kate asked walking up to me looking at me with pity." We found out a week before the attack, we mated and I found out after you received that call about Anna that I was carrying our pup. I was happy until word spread of that slut claiming my mate. I don't need your dam pity! I will get back my fucking mate! Because without him, our pup and I will both die, my wolf is already weakening." I cried passed. "Clarasnow, how do we know you aren't lying?" Luna asked coldly, not liking how I had disrespected her. "WHY WOULD I CARE IF HE WASN'T MY TRUE MATE THAT HE HAD FOUND HIS OWN?! HE IS MY TRUE MATE!!" My wolf growled out deadly. "You will still respect me! My son's true mate or not!" Luna growled out but my wolf wouldn't submit knowing we were now above her.

"What will you do Former Luna? Hit me and your grandchild? How will Snow react if he found out his mother killed his mate and son?" I smirked as she growled, her eyes flickering back between her and her wolves. "Watch your tongue Clarasnow, because as it seems you aren't his true mate!" Alpha snarled. "Then how am I carrying his pup? You know we can't get pregnant without it being our mate's child? We've mated, plus we are True Mates." I smirked as the warriors released me and I stood up. "When he realizes he made the worst mistake possible, so did I by not allowing him to mark me, then you will be the one at my feet bowing." I smirked and walked up the stairs to Snow's room, I am going to kill the bitch that claimed to be his mate.

Hey guys/gals!!!! A short chapter but it was in the slut's/Clarasnow's POV, so tell me what do you guys think? Is it true that Snow is Clarasnow's true mate? What will happen!? Find out when I get at least 10 comments and like!!! I love you all but I'm evil today muwhahahahaha!!!!!

[Edited 20/22/14]

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