Chapter Six.five

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Okay guys, sorry but can I rant for a second? If not skip and go to the bold. Plus this is a very short chapter like barely going to be half the normal lengths, only because I need to rant for a second.

Ok, so on one of my other stories, I got this new member, she doesn't even have faves or anything her page is still blank. And she decided 'hey! I may be a bitch and rant on you story and criticize every little thing. You need a beta reader seriously!!!' Like really bitch? She just kept going on and I bet she even used all freaking 2000 letters to! I am soooo freaking mad. I mean ok some advice ok, yeah thanks much appreciated but when you list that much shit and just argh!!! It drives me insane! If you want to see her comment and my reply, it’s on my story 'Where you belong?' Like honestly. How would you guys/gals react to that? I might be over reacting but I don't think so. It just ruined my entire night. I even had a new story in mind but no, I just got so mad I’m like well there it goes I lost it. And then she wants to say well sounds like you get your character names from nickelodeon the Disney channel I’m like dafuq?!  And she's like you're not separating your speech from action I’m like ok. And I know I misspell a lot of things but heck, that's just me! So umm, yeah what do yall think?

Snow's POV [Story starts now]

He charged Blade and tackled her out of her window. I was already breathing hard, my chest slowing ripping from wanting to shift so badly. I heard her howl and felt as her ankle was shattered, I lost it.

I shifted midair and landed on top of Axel's back and bit deeply. I felt as my teeth collided with his spine and I added pressure causing him to howl in immense pain. I was suddenly tackled by a light brown wolf and thrown.  Jumped up growling only to see a darker wolf run in front of her, I could tell they were mates by the look on the darker one's face. I growled and he turned to me, I now know who it was, The Andersons, Blade and Axel's parents. Her father shifted and stayed in a bowing like stance, hiding his parts from mine and anyone else's sight, I was thankful. "Alpha Snow, Please stop this. I don't know what gotten over my son but please. He is my only son and Blade's brother. My wife was an idiot to tackle you like that; it’s a mother's instinct to protect her young though.  Please forgive us." He bowed his head.

I growled loudly as I heard Blade whimper and rushed to her, she shifted and I quickly covered her body with mine. "Father is right. Please you can't kill him, this is not him. He would never do something like this, something is not right." Blade thought glaring at her brother who was laying still in wolf form still. "You have no right! Alpha or not, you have no right to attack my son!" Mrs. Anderson growled, she was now in her human form standing there but ass naked shouting at me. 'Pretty disgusting, but make her show respect boy.' My wolf growled and bared my canines at her and she gasped.

"Mom you need to learn respect! He is an Alpha and you need to show him respect!" Blade growled from under me, even in her position, she was willing to stand up for me, her mate. I smiled with pride; she will make a fantastic Luna. "You dare talk to me like that?" Her mom spat and glared at her shaking. "Calm down now!" Mr. Anderson snapped and she whimpered before falling to her knees next to him. "Well, this family is all fucked the hell up." My father spat as he walked in the clearing, I growled baring my teeth making sure Blade was covered.

"Son relax, she is your mate and I have my own." My father sighed. I felt a push at my chest as I was shoved back some and when I went to cover Blade again; I realized she had shoved me back so she could shift. "What is it?" I asked shifting. "Well, I felt your aura get stronger; I was coming to see why. It seems you have marked her, but not yet matted? Why is that?" Father asked upset. "We were interrupted and plus it made me realize it should be special." I sighed and he smiled nodding, he understood what I meant.

"Well, since it seems Blade is no longer safe with her own family, shall we go now?" My father smirked. Axel whined and went to stand but fell; I shook the nerves around, no permanent damage.  "I'm sorry Axel, Mom and Dad; I love you all so much." Blade smiled and I forced her to shift and covered her with my shirt that father had given me as we headed home.

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