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Snow's POV

I watched as Blade crawled over to me on the bed moving like a predator and my god I was hard and Moon was starting to wake up. The little lingerie she had on was making me pant as my mouth started to drool. "This is more than your heat, so go to bed-" I was cut off by her kissing me and straddling my waist. "Quit the talking, It’s not my heat that's doing this, I am." Blade growled biting down on my mark, I growled as Moon fully awakened. I flip us so that Blade was on the bottom, she moaned feeling Snow Jr. poking into her thigh.

"Blade, you have two seconds to change your mind before this get out of hand and out of hand QUICK." I growled and licked he neck and she moaned. "No, please don't stop!" Blade moaned under me, seeing her body moving and panting undermine, god I was harder than a freaking brick! "Make her scream out name until she has no more voice left." Moon growled and I started panting at the thought. "Blade, get on your hands and knees." I growled and she whimpered and got on her hands and knees like I said and smirked.

Blade's POV

I felt myself get more heated when he had told to get on my hands and knees. Snow crawled up behind me, I seen he only has his boxers on as he runs his hands up and down my back as he places soft kisses on my hips. "So soft..." Snow whispers causing me to moan and get more heated. He flips me on my back and started ripping the lingerie and kissing down my chest. I clutched the sheets wanting more but afraid to reach out and grabbed him and try to bring him closer only for him to stop.

His teeth graze my hips causing me to gasp and buck them. His hot breath fanned my heated mound and I moaned raising my hips up and spreading my thighs apart. The heat was getting too much to bare. "God, please make it stop!!!" I whined the pain so much. "I'm going to make it stop love don't worry." Snow purred and I groaned as his hands gripped my breast possessively as he kisses my heated mound. "God babe, you’re so wet, you smell so good." Snow moaned as his tongue slipped past his lips and reaches my core, lapping up the juices that were already flowing as he stuck one finger in. "Gah!" I gasped with the pain.

"Shhh shhh shhh shhh, calm down babe! You need to relax, the pain will pass soon." Snow soothed as he placed another finger in me. "Snow stop!" I groaned. "Babe...” Snow quickly removed his finger and went to hold me, but when he quickly removed his fingers it hurt! "Shit! I'm sorry babe." Snow whispered in my neck. "Snow, no finger, your dick, now!" I growled and he smirked before pulling his boxers down and sliding on a condom and positioning himself above me. "Babe, are you sure?" Snow worried. "Yes now please, hurry I need you." I groaned and pulled his face to mine kissing him as he quickly thrusted in and I yelped in pain as he wiped away my tears.

Snow was sitting still as he waited for me to say the pain has passed. "Snow move now." I groaned as the pain turned to pleasure and I moaned as he started picking up his pace, I dug my nails into his back and he moaned loudly. "God this feels so good. You're so freaking tight god!" Snow moaned biting down on my mark I cried out in pleasure.  His hands roamed my body as mine dug into his back and shoulders. Slowly he leaned down, still keeping his pace as he grabbed my breast with his hands and gently massaging them, pulling one in his mouth as I moaned and he groaned against my skin.

Around 6 hours later.

"Snow, my god I am tired." I groaned and lay down with my head on his chest. "I can still go, nah just kidding babe. And you thought It would be a quickie." Snow purred kissing my neck causing me to bite my lip and wrap my leg around his waist. "I don't think I will be able to talk in the morning, my throat hurts from screaming your name so much." I giggled. "Good, we both wanted that. I mean not that we didn't want to hear you beautiful voice, we just wanted to rock your world." Snow chuckled. "Well you sure did." I giggled as we went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning throat was sore, it hurt to talk. I looked over and seen Snow still snoring peacefully, his bed head made him look so freaking hot. I shook my head of the thoughts and got up instantly falling back on the bed. My god the pain between my legs holy shit!!! "You ok babe?" Snow jumped up instantly man his morning voice. "Yea, just sore." I croaked, dam I really almost lost my voice. "Ha-ha, ok that just states how amazing we were. You want me to help you out?" Snow asked chuckling and I nodded as he helped me in the shower, let’s just say that it was a long and steamy shower.

I finally got dressed in some black skinny jeans and a black tank top of Snow's and my black converse. I walked down the stairs and seen Snow with his back to me and with just basketball shorts on, yummy! "Babe, quit lusting over my body unless you wanna go on the table?" Snow smirked turning to face me. I blushed and sat down at the table while he continued cooking. A little bit later some girl came in and was glaring at me, oh yea, the slut's little sister. "What do you want Sparta?" Snow asked without evening turning to face her. "My sister alive and that bitch dead." Sparta spat and Snow growled at her.

[Edited 2/24/2014]

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