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Hey everyone, I have a few people confused on some things so here, I will try my best to help with out giving out to much information in the story.

Everyone is wondering why Blade's mom is such a nasty bitch along with her brother Axel, the truth behind that is no one knows, at least not yet. If you read the beginning of the story you would see that here parents were ok parents, they never abused her they were just, what's the word? distant and disappointed really. They had wanted boys and not girls. It also said that her mom never really talked to anyone other than her father. So Something is going on with Axel and Dianna, Blade's Mother and brother, we, well you readers, do not know what's gotten into the two. Something is up, you just don't know what it is. And also I was asked why didn't her father get mad at her mom? Well her father was going to interfere but things were handled before he could lol.

Also some people want more of Anna and Colt, the thing is I can't really, well I can but it would be weird. Anna is still only 14 you guys, and Colt is 18, I know it probably really doesn't matter but it's just like ewww, no thank you. But trust me, there will be more Anna and Colt soon, as soon as she hits 16 lol. Plus the adults already told them nothing until she is 16, wolf law just like our law. Sooo yesh. They will have their time just not yet. :)

Everyone is worried about Adam and Ally, they did have a tough past but they are slowly getting over it. Plus a few people are like  'Adam has a mate, how will Ally react?' Well you have to remember Ally knows what mates are, she will eventually have her own to, and in fact I was just thinking, I am changing her age now. She is no longer six she will be 3 1/2 , that's about right I say. Lol you all will know in the future why though. Plus I just realized she acted way to young to be six so yep.

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