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Ok hey guys. Long times since I have updat4ed but I have had a lot going on and I have had a very large case of writers block. This chap will probably be a bit sucky but its mainly a filler. sorry but I will do better next time and hopefully its soon. Also, does anyone know how to take clips from music videos/tv shows/movies and create a trailer for a story? If so can you please comment how I am not the best with technology lol. Thanks and love you all!!!!!

Blade's POV

Today was the day, the day that the ceremony to pull Avon from Axel's body and place him back into Tom's body. Only myself, Snow, Colt, Anna, Lexis, and Adam are out here to witness it.  "Please make no sudden movements or sounds, it will take great concentration and power to do this correctly so do not mess me up." Hannah warned lighting the last of the ritual candles. We nodded and She started to speak and some tongue that I have never herd of.[Because it is fake and making it up so don't try to look it up lol] Axel, well since Avon had control of his body I will refer to him as Avon, was sitting on his knees holding Tom's hands who also sat on his knees. Both of their eyes were closed and looked to be concentrating. "Ansd Kalltuvl Loluo Hunckd Joun Pondeaj Caseral! Nons Tonue Abur Twentr XJonnc Seral Slinne Abuctorb Josen! Jakne Jakend Katein Catniss Melo Mehan! Sobe Drander Kornnbe Alecn Nighkt Laop!" Her arms were in the air as her hair flew in a whirl as the wind increased, her eyes turned to white and Avon and Tom's eyes were shinning bright red, literally shinning like they were flash lights.

"Cantu!" Hannah shouted in the wind as the wind picked up but abruptly stopped and she fell to the ground panting. The guys fell forward landing face first in the dirt, the three of them just laying in the dirt. I looked to Snow but he looked just as confused and worried as I did. 'Should we speak now?' I asked through the mind link but he didn't respond. And just like that Axel's body jumped up gasping. "Axel?" Clare whispered and Axel's head jerked toward her. He stood up and rushed to her picking her up and spinning her around and kissing her face over and over again.

"It's me baby girl! Just me and Alex, Avon is gone thank god!!!" Axel cried happily and him and Clare had their little moment as Hannah and Tom groaned getting up. "Avon?" Hannah asked looking to Tom, his eyes flashed red as she called Avon. "I am back love." Avon smirked and they hugged and had their moment. "So will Axel be back to normal now? All fine and dandy?" Clare asked looking to Hannah. "Yes, he should be back to before Avon joined his body. I am very sorry for everything that has happened. I truly am, how can I ever repay you all?" Hannah asked.

"By being there if we ever need another witch on our side?" Colt smirked and she nodded. Just then A black SUV pulled up. "Avon, ready to meet your pups?" Hannah smiled as the doors were opened and a older version of Hannah opened the back door for two little kids to get out and came running. "Mommy! Daddy Tom! Daddy Avon!" The little girl, Avona squealed as they had a family moment. "We hate to bother you anymore so we will take our leave now, by." Hannah waved and they left just like that. "Thank god that is over. I finally feel like myself again!!!!" Axel fist pumped and Kissed Clare's head.

"So how about my mate and son?" I asked eyeing him. "My god Blade I am so sorry!!! I hurt you so much when he was in control it was like I was in the passenger side of my body, can you ever forgive me?" Axel pleaded. "Yeah aslong as Snow can." I smirked looking to Snow who was watching my brother carefully. "Snow, I am so sorry I honestly have no problem with you being my sister's mate. In fact I am glad because that means I know hat she is well token care of." Axel looked relieved kinda. "We are all good man, welcome back!" Snow smiled as they bro hugged. "Now that you are back to normal, we can fight what ever life throws our way together bro." I smiled and we bumped fists.

I was glag, my mate and brother finally got along, well technically it was Avon and Snow that never got along but now that Avon is gone Axel and Snow can be buds lol. "Can I see my Nephew please? I really want to meet him now that I am in control again." Axel smiled his toothy grinned that had always made me feel warmed. "Yeah, Kate is babysitting him." I smiled and hugged my brother. "I am glad to have you back brother, I knew something was up." I smiled and he nodded and we both cried a little bit before heading back home to see my little boy.

Weylin is 3 months not years for the few that somehow got that mixed for the beging of chapter 34 now he is one year and 3 months

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