34 part two- LONG!

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thank you everyone once again for the comments and prayers. It really means a lot to me you guys

I love you all and I have the absolute BEST FANS EVER!!!!

Snow's POV

I was able to grab Clare's ankle as she was to slow to move, she must have thought I wouldn't go after her. But she messed up by attacking a 3 year old! "AXEL!" Clare screamed as she kicked my muzzle with her free foot. Aloud growl was herd and I smirked, I knew how it felt to have your mate in danger and not being able to do anything, that's what he is feeling now and he will be stupid and rush me. And just as I had predicted; he rushed forward and I quickly released her ankle and met him head on. Well in the case, jaws ide open to each other. He yelped feeling my teeth sink into his sholder and crush his shoulder.

He whimpered and shook out of my grip only for me to follow him and grab his tail and ripping it in half. I seen Blade's wolf knock into Axel and I growled. 'Go back, take Weylin and run' I snarled. 'No, Axel is my brother. I have to fix this.' THERE IS NO FIXING HIM! HE HAS TO DIE!' I growled out and she snarled snapping at me. 'Remember I am your equal do not talk to me as if I'm not! That is my brother! He has hurt me, you and now our son'e mate, I will deal with him!" she growled and ripped the throat out of some rouge. 'Wait what?" I gasped, he was only 3 1/2? 'What do you mean?' I asked knocking a rouge away from her.

'Ally is his mate, look at them. Even if they aren't that old they already sense it.' Blade pointed to Ally who was laying on the ground and Weylin who hugged her. 'We can watch them later, but for now, watch my back as I kill my brother.' Blade snapped and I nodded.

Blade's POV

I charged Axel who stood in front of Clare protecting her. He looked at me and shifted back to his human form. I sighed but shifted my self. "Hey there sister." Axel smirked and I growled at him. "You have lost the privilege to call me that! After everything you have done!" I snarled and punched him as he stumbled back, Clare lunged at me and I growled punching her in the throat causing her to fall back wheezing and coughing. "Clare!" Axel growled but fell to his knees coughing up blood. "Axel?" I gasped, heck he was still my twin even if I planned on killing him, but he tried to kill me and Weylin first.

"I'm Fine, your mate had got me good and punctured my lungs, but they are healing." Axel smiled and coughed more blood. "Axel?" Clare choked and ran over to him, he just growled at her. "You might be my mate but back up you bitch." Axel growled, his voice came out rougher and darker than normal. "Avon, give Axel back control!" Clare shook with fear seeing Axel's eyes turn red, heck even I was confused. "Aww why mate? Afraid to see the truth?" 'Avon chuckled. "Clare what the hell? His wolf's name is Alex."I was confused but the evil laughter made me growl. "Ha! That weak mutt! Sweetie my name is Avon, I'm Axel's dark wolf. Are you confused yet? Well let me spell it out for you, my mate was a witch. I was origionally in my human's body but she and he decided I was just 'to much to handle' and managed to take me out of that human shell and place me here. Cofusing right? Well get use to it darling, oh wait, why get use to it when you will die in about 5 mintes." Avon smirked and went to stand up only to fall to his knees coughing up blood cursing before his yes went back to Axel's.

"Blade get your son and pack away! Avon is evil! That's why I have have been the way I was! He hates the fact that you look similar to his mate that betrayed him! I can't control him much longer! I'm sorry I never wanted to hurt you! Please, take Clare with you and run." Axel growled before curling in a ball. "What the hell?" I was confused. "Avon wants control of Axel's body, he doesn't want to be like a normal wolf, he wants the body so he can kill his mate. And Axel's body is rejecting him that, that's why hes coughing up blood. We need to help him! Avon lately has been worse, since you found Snow, Axel has barely been able to contrl his actions, Avon just at the surface. We both know this isn't Axel who would go after his own sister! It was all Avon's doing!" Clare pleaded with me.

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