Chapter six

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Snow's POV

"You promise, you swear?" I asked her, my wolf taking over and I was allowing it slowly, my gums hurt from trying to keep my canines in. "Of course, you are my mate Snow-" Blade purred and gasped as Moon finally took the chance and marked her. The feeling of my canines as they sunk into her soft flesh, man it was just wow. My mind had been blown. "Snow!" Blade gasped and felt the pleasure instantly as she bucked her hips up into my lower groin. I groaned and bit harder as she whimpered and moaned bucking her hips.

I growled and grinded my lower parts into her causing her to buck her hips and whimper. Blade whined and started to squirm under me and made me get harder and harder and man I don't know how long much longer I can contain me and Moon. I went to pull back and Blade kept my canines in place. "Harder, bite down harder it feels to fudging good." Blade moaned and I did as she asked, I bit down harder and she moaned loudly, I smelt her sweet juices and arousal. She was freaking over flowing with her juices!

Blade's POV

As Snow bit deeper the urges got stronger. I leaned forward and bit him in the neck, marking him as mine. He moaned and bucked his hips and slid his hands under my shirt. I purred and wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him to me as he swiftly took his shirt off. "Blade, What the hell is going on in here?!" Axel growled and Snow was up in a flash standing in front of me growling. "You kidnap my sister and then try and have sex here in our house?!" Axel growled and glared at Snow. "Axel, calm down! I'm fine. He did nothing wrong, other than mark me but." I grumbled the last part and clenched my thighs together, I was so FREAKING HORNY!!!!!!!!!

"You marked my sister without her consent?!" Axel roared and I whimpered; I was actually scared. "Calm yourself pup, you are scaring her and I won't allow you to disrespect me!" Snow snarled and when Axel lunged at him he quickly close lined him and threw him to the wall. "You dare challenge me?!" Snow snarled and he shifted right here. "Snow!!!" I gasped as he held my brother to the ground with his canines’ just inches from his face, my brother snarling as well. "Better listen to her, she can get pretty nasty when you get on her bad side." Axel smirked and went to kick Snow but snow jumped back and stood in front of me.

The power that was radiating off of him was making me so horny and wet, I could barely stand it. "Please Axel, go away. You two only fight so go away." I stuttered, it hurt to say that to my own brother. "What?! You are choosing him? Who marked you without your consent and you still chose him!" Axel snarled and jumped at me but Snow knocked him to the wall snarling. "Fine let it be that way. But you will pay; you will pay for choosing that monster and not your own flesh and blood!!!" Axel was crazed, what the hell is wrong with him?

"What is your problem? You are making this harder than it should be! When you meet your mate you will know that it isn't that hard of a choice of who you will go to. Your mate will win, they will always win unless you reject them or you have pups with them. So why are you acting crazed?!" I spat and he glared at me. "Let him through. He and I will fight." I snarled to Snow who only growled at me. "I said I will fight my brother! Do not dare challenge me now!" I snarled, a power coming from me that I've never knew of.

Snow whimpered and moved aside only for Axel to smirk shifting and tackling me, going through my bed room window and two stories to the hard cold ground. I shifted and got up as we started circling each other. Axel had a crazed look in his eye. He was out for blood. "Why act this way?" I barked and he huffed and charged me but I dodged and bit him on his back. He squirmed and moved but my grip only tightened and he stopped and as I released him and turned and bit my leg and I growled and bit his ear. I shook and heard a yelp and seen that I had ripped his ear in half while he crushed my ankle, again -_- I howled and that is when Snow lost it.

[Edited 2/22/2014]

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