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Lexis's POV

Sitting at my desk I was looking over the results, it was positive that I was pregnant. Yes I am 16 but still, werewolves mate and have children young. But it still is a shock to me, Adam and I only had sex once, that was when we had completed the matting. I was even on birth control and he had on a condom. Well hell, I am a doctor, I should remember that both can fail. Condoms break and leak while birth control fails, dam. Oh yeah, you will probably say that I am to young to be a doctor, I had skipped a few grades and crap and graduated early and now I am a young smart doctor.

There was a knock on my office door and Don walked in, darn. "Hey there babe." Don smiled and went to give me a kiss but I moved my face and slid back in my chair. "what's wrong Lexis?" Don asked. He was in denial, he won't leave me alone. "Don, I have a mate, and it's not you." I sighed and he growled. "No, we are engaged, you are my mate!" Don gripped my shoulder tightly; I hissed and pushed him back. "No now leave me alone!" I snapped and he got in my face. "I will be-" He froze his eyes gone wide with shock. I looked to where he was looking, the results on my desk.

"You are carrying his mutt?" Don snarled and I winced from his tone. "He is my mate, our child is no mutt! You are the only mutt!" I snapped surprised that I stood up to him, I was always a shy one. "I will be back you whore." Don snarled and left, I needed to get all my crap out of this hospital and to my new hospital on Snow and Blade's land. I grabbed all my things and placed them in some boxes I had brought and quickly left. Adam was happy when he found out I was pregnant, hell that was an understatement. I pulled my cell out and texted him telling I was on my way home and he said ok. Oh that's right, we now live in the pack house together.

I opened the front door to the pack house and was surprised with what I herd. "I love her and our child more than life itself!" Adam swore and I blushed but was mad. He promised that I could tell them!! "Adam! You promised!" I growled and he looked up shocked. "Hey Lexis, you just said you were leaving, I didn't realize you would be here that fast." Adam swallowed nervously. "I sped home I wanted to see you, but now." I groaned. "Why did you speed? You could have harmed you and our baby!" Adam growled, his wolf at the surface.

"We are fine Adam, calm down. You told them about the baby though!" I whined and he smiled jumping up and hugging me. "I didn't mean to baby, it kind of slipped. I thought I was thinking about what type od cravings you would get and well, I said it out loud and Blade caught it." Adam blushed rubbing the back of his neck, I couldn't stay mad at him. I smiled and pecked his lips and causing him to purr and I giggled looking over to Blade. "How is little Weylin?" I asked walking over and feeling her belly just as he kicked, I smiled surprised and looked up; both Snow and Blade were happy and looking proud.

"Snow you will be one amazing father." I smiled, you could tell just by looking at his face. "As will Adam, but Colt and Anna better not be parents for a bit." Snow warned them as they chuckled. "Well my 16th birthday is in two weeks." Anna smiled and Snow's face dropped and he paled and then looked mad. "You better not be!" Snow snalred and Anna blushed as Colt growled. "You are scaring her." Colt snarled. "Snow, he just marked me, I asked him to after today." Anna whispered and Snow's eyes went wide as he gabbed Colt by the throat as Colt's hand reached up and grabbed Snow's throat, now both Anna and Blade were growling.

"What happened you bastard?" Moon, Snow's wolf was now at the surface. "We saved our mate! She was grabbed and handcuffed with silver cuffs in a van and the guy tried to rape her!" Colt's wolf growled, he and Anna both explained and Snow's hand slid down as Colt also released him. Snow walked over to Blade and just fell on the couch. "The bastard, I didn't even know it." Snow was dazed. He was blaming himself. "Snow, its my fault I was the one that left, I should have known with how he was acting earlier." Colt sighed.

"wait, you said he was Clare's mate? Where is Clare and how did she react?" I asked. "Well, I hadn't seen her since we left the mall." Anna sighed. "Also He had no mark on him of a matting." Colt thought. "Why wouldn't they have mated? They have been together for maybe a year and half now?" Anna said confused. "Well it could've been an arranged matting or just a fake one or I have no idea. If they were real mates, their wolves wouldn't have been able to hold off without just marking each other, no wolf can. That's why Colt marked Anna." I thought, I have never herd of something like this so I was confused.

Ok hey guys, I am still getting some people confused. Blade's brother's NAME is AXEL. His WOLF'S name is Alex.  Sorry it confuses you all but my computer changes the names for some reason so yeah.  Also some are like aren't Adam and lexis to young? Well werewolves always mate and produce pups young so no they aren't. Anna is 15, sorry I got her age mixed with you all. Colt is 18, Blade is 18, Axel is 18, Snow is 19, Anna is 15, Ally is 3 1/2, Adam is 15 and Lexis is 16.

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