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Hey guys sorry its taking me so long to update its just a lot of crap is going on. My bro's baby momma is INSANE!!!!!! She now moved out of state and is saying we will never see him again and she needs to be on her meds and she hasn't been taking them and she's going off calling me names and crap and im like well im not the one that lied about my age to sleep with some one older and opened her legs so easily and wow my god she thinks she knows everything but anyways I'm going to stop, I need to be in a good mood to write the story so off we go! Thankyou to everyone who commented, you all gave me a new turn for this story so here is the first part of the turn lol

Snow's POV

"Congrats!! You are having a baby boy!" The doctor smiled. My heart stopped. I stared straight ahead all my emotions a big jumbled mess. "Snow? Aren't you happy?" Blade's whimper snapped me out of my thoughts. I smiled the biggest smile ever and felt like my face was going torip open. But that didn't matter, I WAS GOING TO BE A DADDY!!!!!I picked Blade up and spun her around kissing her repeatedly. I placed her on the ground and got on my knees and kissed her tummy. I was so freaking happy words couldn't even describe it. "Yes, I am happy, I so much more than happy I'm just my god!!!!!" I smiled and placed kisses all over her tummy causing her to giggle. "What shall we name him?" Blade asked and I smiled hugging her. "I don't know at the moment, but we have 4 month." I smiled and held her as we  drove back home

Blade's POV

We got home and before I can even touch my door handle Snow was there picking me up and carrying me inside. "Snow I have legs." I groaned as his beta James was smirking from the couch which I was placed on. "PACK MEETING NOW!!!" Snow growled I thing eve my pack could have herd him. "Snow why so loud?" His father groaned walking in, his mother glued to his hip. Snow was smiling so big I thought his face was going to crack open. "What is it son?" His dad asked eyeing him."I AM GOING TO BE A DADDY!!!!!!!!" Snow yelled through the house, everyone started cheering and congratulating us and I just looked down blushing. "Will it be a boy or girl?" Ally's quiet voice asked and I smiled. "A baby boy. Will you help take care of him?" I smiled and she lit up like a Christmas tree. "Yey!!!" Ally squealed and Adam chuckled at her as she started spreading the good news to everyone.

"Hey there sexy momma." Snow whispered biting my ear gently. "Snow stop!" I gasped and just like that my tummy growled. "Come on my baby momma, lets go get you so food." Snow chuckled picking me up and I hit his chest playfully. "I can walk I am not-" I was silenced with a kiss. "I know but I just want to take care of my baby momma and child." Snow smirked. "Is that all I am to you?" I snapped playfully and he sat me on the counter.  "Blade that it not-" I kissed him and smiled. "I was only playing babe." I hopped downa dn went to the fridge and pulled out eggs and made me some scrambled cheesy eggs than added bbq sauce. I sat down with my plate and saw Snow gawking and giving me a weird look. "What? I'm pregers, so I am gonna have strange food cravings, and this is what I already liked so et ready for the hormones to start." I smirked and he looked wide eyed.

"Aslong as you don't want pickled eggs I am good then." Snow chuckled sitting in front of me. "No, but I might just want chocolate on my stick." I whispered and looked back to my food blushing. "What?" Snow asked confused. Then it seemed to click. "Oh man you naughty girl. I can deal with that." Snow smirked and rubbed my thigh. I bit my lip and glared at him as James walked in. "For babies name Jame's the second or James a roo is awesome." James smirked grabbing a beer. "Nope, hey what about Shane? Or even Xavier? Oh what about Zander?" I asked taking a bite of my food. "Man that looks nasty and smells bad." James groaned and I growled at him.

"Those are nice, how about Austin or Dustin. Oh what about Devon?" Snow asked snatching Jame's beer who growled. "Those sound nice. Oh we need to get the room ready and-" "Babe calm down, we will get it all done before he arrives. " I know but still I want to worry, its a new mom's thing." I smiled and he chuckled kissing my forehead.

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