Chapter four- Blade and Snow's wolf

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Chapter 4

I went to stand but the pain was awful, I fell back down. Soon our pack doc was over here and looking at my leg. "Well, it needs to be set right then it will heal much faster, Axel hold her down, shift now." Doc ordered. "Better be glad you are the doc or I would kill you for ordering me, a beta around." Axel growled as he shifted and laid my head in his naked lap, gross!!!!!!! Thank god my mate stepped up. "Snow says get away from her now unless you want to die, they are mates.” Anna smiled and I smirked and looked at my mate, he really looked like he would kill.

"You are her mate? That's impossible! You are the soon to be alpha of the strongest pack in America!!!" Axel gawked. “My mate growled and Axel back up holding his hands up in surrender. Snow laid next to me and laid his head on my neck, holding me in place as the doc broke and reset my leg. I howled in pain and Snow whimpered and held me still. "Here, change. Your clothes are right here." Doc said and I looked to my mate and he chuckled but turned his head. I shifted quickly and pulled on my shorts and shirt.

"You can look now.” I told him and he chuckled before shifting himself and pulling on some shorts Anna handed him. "So your name is Blade huh? I am Snow, but you know me as the meanest alpha." A heavenly voice spoke. I looked up and my core started to warm up creeping into a fire just by looking at him. He had black shaggy hair and grey eyes, he was built but not to built, just like Anna described, my wolf purred in appreciation. "Here, careful shall we?" Snow chuckled and picked me up gently and we walked back to the falls.

Both packs were sitting glare at one another, ok well only Alphas were. My pack was scared. "Thank you for protecting my daughter." Alpha Luke smirked and nodded his head, my alpha bowed. 'He is no longer our alpha, we are a Luna!' Star smirked and cheered. "Father, I would like-" Snow was cut off when my dad raced in front to try and grabbed hold off me, causing me to yelp my leg wasn't done healing. "I am sorry, let me take-" He started but a low and deadly growl cut him off. "Take your Hands off of my mate unless you want to die." Snow growled, his eyes black with little grey, his wolf was about to take control.

"Snow, no, please. He is my father, he means no harm." I said softly and Sow looked down at me, slowly his eyes started to turn back to their grey ones. "Sorry but don't touch her, her leg is trying to heal." Snow growled and my dad bowed his head, god thinking. "Son what is this?" Alpha Luke growled. "Father, I found my mate, Blade Anderson.  Beautiful huh? She protected Anna with her life; she is a true Luna father." Snow smiled proudly as his father looked me over. "Yes son, she will make a fine Luna indeed, let’s go back home now Anna." alpha Luke smiled and his pack started to leave. "What no! You can't take her!" Axel growled and went to grab us but was slammed to the ground be a guy with white hair and blue eyes.

"That is why you James will be my beta. Who are you? You seem close to my mate." Snow spat. "My twin, even if we don't look alike." I said quickly and Snow looked at me. "Twin, cool!" Snow chuckled and turned to face the now standing Axel. "She is not leaving with you. She'll stay here; she can't be your mate." Axel growled and charged only for James to put him in a head lock. "Not happening kid, you might be the soon to be beta in your pack but I am stronger." James smirked. "Do not hurt him!" I growled and James froze. "You already command like a Luna." James smirked and bowed before releasing Axel.

"She is going back with me, you can visit as long as you get permission, but she is leaving with me. My wolf won't allow her to be far for long from me. He has been waiting on his mate just as I have. She is here and we aren't letting her go." Snow growled and I purred and instantly started getting warm again, him talking all possessive my god it turns me on. "Little mate, calm down I can smell your arousal." Snow smirked and gently grazed his teeth over my neck where he would mark me as his forever. "Please not in front of my brother." I groaned and squeezed my thighs together then yelped because my leg still stung. "Sorry love." Snow chuckled and we left just like that.

[Edited 2/22/2014]

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