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Hey every one, just to let you guys know, you are getting close to the ending of the series. So just be warned, I am unsure if I will do a sequel yet. Yes I asked for 60 comments, and that's only because I want to make sure that people still like the story and want more of it. Plus I don't always have time and right now I've got problems going on. Some of the problems are family related and my crazy ex boyfriend will not leave me alone, I was already paranoid and now its worse. I would tell my parents and all but I know I would get in trouble since he is 18 and I am 15. Even if I tell them that I didn't know he was 18 I thought he was 16 and crap, cause that is true. I thought he was 16 and when I found out he was 18 I told him we were done and not to text me again. Still after a month and half, I get messages every now and then from him. Like one from the other night saying, 'Hey I am down the street from your house at a friends, come outside and meet up with me we need to talk I still love you.' But the scary part, never did I tell him where I lived,  no one did. So I'm kinda scared that he might actually know where I live and shit so I have been freaking out lately so sorry guys for not much updating but For every 60 comments is one update, I did it that way cause I have a lot of school work and crap to do. So please just accept the 60 comments, I could be like some other authors and ask for like 120 or even 2oo like I seen the other day. And it won't take that long to get 60 comments because you guys easily got like 350 likes, I love the likes bot I would love comments even more. Thanks and now back to Colt and Anna's day out.

Anna's POV

We drove to a Starbuck's and walked in getting some breakfast and waiting to meet up with Clare and her mate Drake. "What can I get you two?" The cashier smiled. "One caramel frozen frappe and a chocolate frozen frappe and two blueberry muffins." Colt knew me so well! "Coming right up." The woman smiled and we waited as the door was open and I herd a nagging voice. "Well she said she would meet us here. But she isn't here yet so lets just get food or some crap." Drake sighed and Clare huffed. Colt looked at me confused. "Order for Anna?" The cashier announced and we grabbed it and turned walking over to Clare and Drake who were confused but checking us out.

"Hey Clare." I smiled and she gasped. "Oh my god!!! Anna is that really you? My you hit a growth spurt!" Clare giggled hugging me. "I'm Drake, nice to meet you." Drake extended his hand out to Colt who shook it. "Alpha Colt." Colt said smugly and Drake quickly stepped back dropping his gaze. "Oh you got yourself a sexy strong Alpha as a mate." Clare winked and I growled as did Drake. "How about we go shopping and get to catch up some more?" Clare smiled holding my hand, I had a weird feeling. "Please I haven't been shopping in ages and I bet you need new clothes." Clare pleaded and I sighed nodding. "Yey so to the mall!" Clare squealed as she dragged me out  to our cars. "Meet you guys there." Colt said and quickly grabbed me up thankfully.

The way to the mall was quiet, but not akward. "Colt, we don't have to go if you don't want to." I smiled hoping he would agree. "Nah, I am fine. Plus I am getting to know a friend of yours." Colt smiled as we came to a red light and I smiled proudly. He was just the sweetest mate ever!!!! I leaned over and kissed him and bit his bottom lip which caused him to growl. I realized what I was doing and went to pull back but Colt growled and pulled me onto his lap and I moaned feeling his friend poking into my thigh. Colt deepened the kiss and started to trace kisses down to my neck placing heavy kisses there and I moaned and he purred. "Colt, stop, you won-moan-wont be able to-moan- keep your wolf at bay-moan-." I groaned as he grinded his friend into my core. I bit my lip as he growled and inhaled my scent freezing. In a rush he pushed me back in my seat and slammed on the gas speeding off.

"Colt slow down! You are way over the speeding limit!" I gasped seeing the limit was 55 and he was hitting 100 quickly, thankfully there weren't many people out today, but he was still going so fast swerving in and out of cars gaining speed. Colt just growled at me as his knuckles were white on the steering wheel. "COLT STOP YOU ARE SCARING ME!" I cried, and I was crying I was scared. He turned to face me and I seen one of his eyes were their normal bright green while his other was black as night, his wolf was fighting with him. "Roll the window down." His voice was rough, mixed between his and his wolf. I rolled it down and was still crying. "Babe please stop crying." Colt pleaded and I tried but couldn't seeing his speed was only increasing. "YOU ARE SCARING ME DAMMIT!" I snarled and it seemed to click because our speed instantly went down and his wolf stopped fighting as he was back to 55 mph. "I'm sorry." Colt whispered as I wiped my eyes and just stared at the road. "It's not your fault, I should have know better." I sighed when we pulled into the mall.

I got out and Clare and Drake walked over to us. "Hey guys, Anna is everything ok?" Clare asked as I wiped my eyes once more and smiled. "Yea everything is good." I smiled and both her and Drake watched me. "Anna, I hate to say this but I need to go. I will talk to you later love." Colt smiled waving and jumped into his car and rove off. I knew it, he was upset still. "Colt!" I tried to run after him but he was gone. "What the hell?" Drake growled. "Oh hell, he is an Alpha. And you have ran off and left me before." Clare growled at him. "Yea but you were pissing me off, she just got of the car and he drove off like it was killing him just to be near her! I would never act like that!" Drake snapped and Clare looked down. "I's fine guys. It was actually hurting him, and I caused it." I sighed and started to walk to the mall when Clare grabbed my arm. "To piss him off that bad, what did you do?" Clare snarled. "Why do you care?" I snapped not liking the way he was acting over my mate. "Because you don't deserve him!" Clare snarled and I growled and slapped her. "It's because I am 15 and he is 18, our parents won't allow us to mark or mate each other until I am at least 16. If we try they will separate us or start a war." I snarled and she gasped.  "But how is it hurting him to be near you?" Clare asked. "Because his wolf is wanting to mark her and can smell her wolf's arousal when ever he is around." Drake snapped his eyes black and starring at me with lust.

Oh yeah guys I put a book up incase you can't read chapter 12, its called, "Restcited Chapters for 'His Little Fighter'" So make sure to be a fan and then go to my page and read it.

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