Tricked Ya! XD

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Hey guys/gals, sorry this isn't a chapter update, its just a small authors note. I would have updated tonight but I had my Choral rehearsal and also its my dad's birthday. I might be able to update tomorrow, it just depends on what time I get home from school, get dressed for my choral performance and what time we get to leave. My teacher hates us and likes to take FOREVER!!!!!!! Put it this way, we have a 15 minute break its that long-_- Plus we have to wear this pretty freaking ugly and uncomfortable dresses and its like 'move arms and I am incredible Hulk!!!' lol the arms are tight and the back. These dresses were made for itty bitty small people, which is not me. I am freaking 6'2 with broad shoulders, I look like I could be a quarter back lol. Anyways....... Please answer the following.

Please answer in comments below!!!!!

1.How is the story so far?

2. What do you think should/is going to happen next?

3.Should I add an extra twist?

4.Should Axelfind his mate soon?

5. Anything else you would like to share such as ideas for the story. And please, this does not mean to go and nitpick every little thing in the story like some chick did on one of my other stories.



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