Chapter eight

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Ok guys/gals!!! Thank you so much for all the votes and comments and it seems that a lot of you are fanning me once you read this story, so Thank you! But let’s keep it up because you have no idea how happy this makes me feel. So I haven't been able to update lately because the other day slammed hand in car door so yea, but yesterday I went to the stables I help out at and was taking a horse back to her stall and well she spooked. I was trying to get her to calm down but she kept rearing up and it had been raining and I slipped and she stepped on my right hand. Luckily nothing serious just swelling and bruising but it hurts to move my hand. And I'm a righty so it’s like NOOOO I can't type so I haven't been able to update. But whenever the pain eases [think that's the right word lol] I will type some up until it starts hurting again, please bear with me, I have the worst type of luck sometimes. Now BACK TO STORY!!!!

Blade's POV

Groaning I sat up rubbing my head, oh yeah. Yesterday Snow brought me to his pack and then colt came over and we all played around wrestling and I hit my head, my luck sucks. "Hey Blade, how are you feeling?" Snow asked walking in with a tray of food, my tummy growling loudly. "My head hurts but I think I may be ok. Thanks for breakfast!" I smiled and went to grab it but he held it out of reach. "This? Oh this is mine, I already ate yours since you were so slow and I am still hungry." Snow said and went to take a bite and I growled at him and he chuckled. "I guess I can share." Snow smirked and held a grape in his mouth as he kissed me and slipped it into my mouth.

"Mhmmm, morning to you to babe. I can get used to being fed this way." I giggled and he chuckled and popped another grape in his mouth but swallowed it. "This is actually your plate, I was only kidding and maybe I can feed you like this more often." Snow smirked and placed a strawberry in his mouth and went to kiss me and slid it into my mouth and I chewed it and swallowed licking my lips. "Ok, honestly I can't do this without taking you here and rather rough. But I know you aren't ready for that yet." Snow growled out causing me to heat up as his eyes flickered between him and his wolf's eyes. I blushed brightly and shoveled my food down my throat quickly.

"So what’s on the agenda today?" I asked getting up and stretching. "We are actually going to hand out until 2 then we need to start getting ready for the ball." Snow smiled and kissed my temple. "Ok-wait BALL?!" I gasped and Snow nodded. "Yes, A ball in celebration for finding you, my beautiful mate. It is only our pack though, but we seem like a few packs we are that large." Snow smirked proudly. "Like big dresses and crud?" I asked. "Yes, just like the old movies, Dresses like princesses, huge ball gowns or you can wear a thin one it doesn't matter, you will be center of attention. "Yes, not." I grumbled. "Anna will be helping you." Snow smiled seeing I smirked.

“In fact, she and mom want to take you shopping for a gown, so here. I’m being dragged to go shopping for a suit with Colt and my dad, have fun.” Snow groaned and kissed me, handing me his credit card. “Hey I have money you know!” I gasped in disbelief at the card in my hand. “I know, but you’re my mate, I want to take care of you.” Snow smiled and held me to his chest tightly. “I understand that but I don’t like people getting me things, I’ve always been like that. I would much rather work hard for my things, I always had to take care of myself mainly.” I pouted and he chuckled.

“But babe, I am here and will take care of you, you are my princess now and you will be treated like the Queen! It’s my job to take care of you and our pups when we decided to have any.” Snow smiled with pride and I sighed. “Well, once we fully mate then you can treat me that way, but until then I will still pay for myself.” I stated and he growled. “That can be arranged rather quickly.” Snow growled out, his eyes flickering. “Oh, so you’re telling me you are quick and don’t last long?” I giggled raising an eyebrow he growled and climbed on top of me. “I can show you how long I can last, the night we mate, you won’t sleep for hours because you will be screaming our name and Cuming so many times your entire body will be quivering underneath us as we show you how much stamina we have as we have had to wait so long for you my love.” Husky and deep, the voice was of both snow and Moon growled out, it had both me and Star panting.

“Please…  I need to get up and get dressed, I was only kidding love.” I moaned out and quickly kissed Snow’s cheek seeing his wolf subside.  “I can help if you want?” Snow wiggled his eyebrows smugly. “Perv.” I joked and pushed him off me and went to my bag. I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and then walked over to Snow’s dresser smirking. He had went to the bathroom so I quickly stole a light blue shirt of his and pulled it on before slipping on my black converse and walking down stairs. Anna was sitting on a chair as Colt was cooking breakfast.

“Morning guys!” I waved and Anna jumped up and hugged me. “Will you always be here now?” I joked with Colt and turned and smiled. “Yea most more than likely but shh, don’t let butthead know.” Colt joke earning a low growl from both Snow and I. Snow quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. “I love the sight of you in my clothing.” Snow groaned and I giggled. “Hey no more you two, Time to go shopping!!!” His mother smirked and we all groaned.

[Edited 2/22/2014]

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