Niall dengan jantung berdegup liar, serius memperhatikan layar laptop sementara Kaylee mengarahkan kursor ke file document.
"What the..." gumam Kaylee meng-scroll ke bawah dan keatas berkali-kali. Membuka-buka berbagai file. "Hanya ada tugas, tugas, dan tugas"
"N-no no no, that's impossible" Niall mengambil alih laptop dan duduk dikursi sementara Kaylee berdiri disampingnya. "It has to be something. She said that to me. She told me that---wait the second...what is it?"
Kaylee menunduk membaca judul folder itu. "Two can keep a secret if one of them is death--what's that supposed to mean?"
"I think I know it" gumam Niall sambil mengutak-atik tool dan folder options.
Dia tersenyum mengetahui kalau pemikirannya kali ini tidak salah.
"It's an hidden files" ia memberitahu lalu mengklik tombol OK. Niall kemudian menoleh kearah Kaylee "She was so suspicious sometimes. I always knew that"
"But that's a rar file" Kaylee menunjuk layar laptop kecewa.
"Oh please not again..." gumam Niall mengklik file itu namun butuh password untuk membukanya.
"Think about something, then"
Niall mengetik kata itu namun hasilnya salah, membuatnya terhempas ke kursi dan menatap Kaylee pasrah.
"Let me..." gumamnya mengetik sesuatu dengan cepat. Kemudian menjerits yes! sambil mencubit pipi Niall.
"Brilliant! How did you do that?" puji Niall melihat keberhasilan Kaylee membuka file terkunci itu.
"Every girls wants her boyfriend last name"
"So, you mean-"
"Liahoran. Yeah"
"But she would never be Lia Horan-"
"Save it for later, Ni. We have mission to do" sela Kaylee kembali menatap layar laptop.
Dalam folder itu sebagian besar berisi foto liburan mereka berdua. Niall tidak tahan untuk tidak tersenyum dan tertawa kecil melihat-lihat.
"Wait---get out from there...what is that?"
"There" Kaylee menunjuk layar.
Ada 3 video berdurasi masing-masing 3, 1, dan 4 menit berjudul Me 1 sampai 3. Ketiganya menampilkan sosok Lia full satu layar, persis seperti video diary atau semacam itu.
"I don't think I can see it"
"Think twice, then" balas Kaylee lalu membuka video pertama.
Lia tersenyum dalam dua detik pertama, Kaylee melirik Niall yang ekspresi wajahnya lesu seketika.
"Tonight, he just proposed me! Wohoo what a beautiful night. Look at this magically beautiful ring with N letter on it" suaranya seperti bisikan senang yang tertahan. Dia menunjukan cincin kedepan kamera yang membuat hati Niall mencelos. Dia seharusnya tidak pernah memberikan itu.
"And this best man gave it to me-" dia mengarahkan laptopnya ke samping, ada Niall sedang tertidur pulas disebelahnya berbalut selimut tebal dan rambutnya yang berantakan. "Yup, he's sleeping. I don't have any idea when he bought this ring or where he came back to that creepy old shop. The story behind this ring is everything...unbelievable dark magic, risky, and something, made me curious to death. She said, the ugly old enchantress seller said, I couldn't take it off and it's magically true--see, I can't" dia mencoba melepas cincin sederhana ditangannya itu, tapi sia-sia, cincin itu tidak sedikitpun bergerak.
Acak1. Her favorite place was Orlando 2. Alaska was where she wished to stay 3. She wanted dark gray hair 4. She said she was born to be an extraordinary person and I'm the one who would find her 5. Tea was her favorite drink It is all just a coincidenc...