The Chase

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****** Author's Note*****

Gear up people, this is going to become fast and little complex. so keep the sense sharp and enjoy!!!

****************** 3rd POV***********************

Clouds seemed darker above the Blade's house. As though giving cover to the sinister crime happening inside. Meia had two choices, either to wait for her prey to show in front of her gun range, or join in the maze and hunt him down. Ricky clutched her arms sensing something dangerous was around. Kids always have that kind of sense. Meia had it too; the remarkable instinct to identify the trouble. She could sense when her dad will swing that punch at her and when he would thrash things over the wall. But right now she was not up against a drunk old guy. She was up against Greg or mason as he calls himself . It was he who Meia Saw shooting Sean.He had a perfect cover of a hot hunk in a house full of guys like him. And with his face and eyes covered nobody could have tell him apart from any other guy in party. But one thing he failed to cover up was his Gun. The gun that james gave to Both Meia and Him.He did not expected Meia to notice the gun in a flick of a second when he shot Sean. He might look like anybody else in his cover but having exactly the same gun as Meia had blown his cover. Meia had caught his identity and played smart by keeping her mouth shut in the confrence she had later with james.Up Untill now, greg had played very well. In fact keeping an eye on blades from inside the house was brilliant idea up until Meia turned into gang, spoiling everything in his pretty little plan. His three years of plan down the drain for he knew it well that a pretty face can do wonders with Sean which he won't be able to compete with. And now that his contract with his employer was in the final stage, he would risk everything to finish the job.

Meia sat there weighing her options quickly and then she turned towards Ricky who was sitting eerily quiet.

"You have to hide here until I tell you Ricky" she shifted him to the corner of the room

"Please don't go away, I don't like the dark" he clutched her tighter. Meia was too familiar with that look, The look of fear, The look which dotted her face all her childhood.

"It will be all right soon. Trust me. Just sit tight and don't make a sound. And remember what I told you? Okay"

He nodded his head in a shaky yes.

She rolled him up in his blanket and slid outside the room making her way to the entrance through the kitchen and slid behind the couch in the living area straining for any sound coming from the house.


Shadows flickered around as Greg made his way out of Ricky's room. The moment he entered the dark empty house he knew the game was on. Cameras were off in every room, so everybody was walking blind. Suddenly a shadows hushed behind him as he came down the stairs from Ricky's room. He turned to catch the tree swinging wildly in the wind. Just a shadow. He thought and traced his steps to the kitchen. There was no point going into the Office, as the gun was already out of there, but he was looking for something else. The bullet that missed him and went into the wall. Meia did not gave him enough time to dig it out. He felt the wall next to the office room to feel the hole. But the bullet was gone. He flinched in anger. Now he had to catch her alive. Meia had played better than he had hoped. She had the leverage. Now he has to search his leverage before they came face to face.


Meia turned her head to check her back and looked out of the window. There was no sign of the car. It's going to be while before anybody could reach here. She locked the Main door from inside and made her way to the Ricky's room.

Meanwhile Greg stood at the kitchen entrance .He bend down to touch the carpet at the entrance of the kitchen, it was soaked wet. He gave an evil smile and walked out to the pool area, towards the three changing rooms. He walked towards the one in the middle and swings it open. Empty. He proceeded to the right door and pulled it open. Empty. He turned towards the left door and points his gun at it.


For Amanda and Sean it was the longest drive from hospital to the home. Sean's wound was still fresh and sudden movement had opened up some stiches. The blood had started staining his shirt. Amanda looked at her son and then at the road. She was about to lose both of her son . But she was still not able to make out of what had happened in her absence.

"So you are saying that Amada actually tried to save you?"

"Yes, because I remember as I pulled out the gun from her bag she held gun in our drawer, pointing it at somebody behind me , because few seconds alter I was hit from back. And before I went down I heard another shot. Probably Meia Hit him as soon as she got the view of the guy"

"Who could it be? Who would try to kill you? And all they need was just that bullet. Why try to hurt you" Amanda head was bursting with questions.

"For this very moment, to get a chance at empty house. A dead body or a wounded one, does not matter. All the killer needs is an house with its alarm down."

"Do you think James was in it too? He could not be. He has been there since I got married."

"I don't know Mom, but right now I trust nothing except what I have seen, and I trust no one except me." Sean said even as his heart knew Meia was at this very moment trying to protect Ricky.

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