Ready to Party

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Sean's POV

"Open invitation to pools party??" Jess looked at me like I have told her about some terrorist attack.

"Yes, what's the problem here?" I asked confused. Greg seemed pretty ok with the plan, In fact too much ok, like he already knew about it.

"Well For beginners" Jess said stressing "You never throw party at your house. You are like super specific with who can come to your home. Second, Open invitation means Linda can also be there. Drama much!!"

"I don't Care about Linda. She makes one bad move and I can throw her out on her ass" I shrugged

"Still, you hosting a pool party at your house is out of your Character" Jess was now looking at me suspiciously.

"Is it something to do with that Nanny?" She asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"May be, May not be, who knows?" I gave her a playful look. But girl has some sharp mind.

"Wow, you must really like her?" She said grinning.

"Well you are already outgoing person, Adria on the other hand is tightly winded girl. Little conservative and reserved and shy..." I was cut off by heavy coughing by Greg.

" I'm sorry. It's just that she does not seem reserved or shy to me" Greg added casually. He was acting weird. In fact most of people around me were acting very weird.

"Any way, I was saying, that she needs a break. And as her friend, I am going to throw her a small party."

"She is your friend now?" Greg Asked with a smirk

"Since when are girls your friends?" Jess joined him

" You are my friend and you are a girl" I pulled jess under my arms.

"You know what i mean. Oh My god, DO I see Sean falling in for a girl!! Like for real!!" She teased me, but Greg's face went pale.

"I think we should just be friends with her. You know love and all are too big words" Greg added nervously

"LOVE? GOD NO!" I was shocked at the mention of the word" Sean Blade does not fall in love. But i think she is good friend" I lied point blank. Strange emotions had started to build up inside me. Of course it was not love. I just liked her. In fact I just liked her too much. I wanted to kiss her every time she opened her mouth to talk. That's not love, May be lust. But then I also wanted to hold her hands every time she smiles. That is not lust? What the hell was happening to me?

I went home and saw James had already picked up Ricky and Adria cleaning the house

"Hey" She beamed as she saw me" James came to pick up Ricky. He told me about the pool party" She tried to look angry but her eyes were lit with excitement.

"Uhh , ya about that, I forgot to tell you about it. It will be fun. I can drop you at your house later" I insisted. She rolled her eyes at me playfully

"I will only be helping you in the party, I won't come as guest" She added little hesitated

"Of course you will be guest. You are my Friend today, not my employee. You understand?" I added authoritatively and I could see a small smile on her face like she is amused

"Fine, but I do not have a swim suit, so I will wear just this" she pointed out at her dress which looked like a school uniform.

"Absolutely not. That's why I came early. I am going to take you shopping" I flashed my credit card at her.

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