Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I walk off the plane and into the airport; where my aunt promised to pick me up. I spot her in the crowd; run up to her and hug her tight.

"Hey, so I heard you got a girlfriend." She says.

"Shut up." I reply. We walk through the airport in silence for a while. I hate airports; everyone chasing their next destination and bumping into you every moment your in there. By the time we are out of the building many people have recognised me and it's very strange when a girl runs up to you and asks for an autograph.

"So, what's her name? Selena? Serena?" She says, obviously completely wrong. I hate it when she finds out about my girlfriends; she never shuts up.

"Wrong. It's Celia." I say.

"Oh sorry. Your mother told me. But I am terrible with names, you know that." She starts to hyperventilate. Gosh I am not angry at her for forgetting Celia's name.

"Don't worry, I am not angry. It really doesn't natter. I didn't even expect you to remember I had a girlfriend." I say. She tends to worry too much and starts to hyperventilate. It kind of freaked me out at first after all I was two. But now I don't care that she does that all the tine, that's also another thing annoying about her.

"Oh, it's okay then." She says and starts to settle down. We drive off to the contestants' houses where I am sharing a small room with Taylor and Omar. But a whole house with all the other contestants.

"Bye Aunt Bethany." I wave and she drives away. I walk inside and find my room where Omar and Taylor are chatting.

"Hey." They both say.

"Hey, what's up?" I say and with a thump my luggage lands on the wooden floor.

"Nothing much, just talking." Taylor says and I sit down on the only available bed. There is only three beds in the room with two occupied by my roommates but one left, supposedly for me. I slide my bags under my bed and we sit on our beds and talk about: the weather, our first live show on Sunday, how small this room is, so manly only small talk.

Celia's POV

"CELLI." Jack runs up to me.

"You haven't called me that since you were 8." I say.

"Yeah, well I missed you." He puts on a fake smile.

"Your joking right."

"Of course I am joking you dingbat." He says, thats the Australian way of saying 'get stuffed you fool'. The idiot he is gets on my nerves.

"Mum hasn't stopped cooking since we got here, lets just say... shes finally cracked it!" He says as we walk through the house to my new room. Oh I didn't know she was out of hospital.

I can't help but be worried, last time she didn't stop cooking is when her and Dad were fighting a lot and when she got depressed from cyber bullying.

"Is something wrong?" I say.

"Uh... she's been seeing things, she is becoming like crazy in the head." He admits.

"Oh." I say.

"Where is she?" I ask. He gulps.

"In the hospital." He says.

"W-what happened?" I say. I sit down on my bed.

"She fell down the stairs." He says. I start to tear cause' I know she has hurt herself horribly.

"Go away. I need to call Jai." I say.

"Okay." He says and leaves me alone.

Then my phone starts ringing and to my surprise it Jai.

Fix You - book 1 (Jai Waetford) ~ IN EDITING ~Where stories live. Discover now