Love at First Glance?

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Zion's PoV

Present Day

When I looked at the clock and it read 2:36pm I may have had a bit of a panic attack. The work day was almost over and I was nowhere near where I wanted to be with my work. I wanted to get ahead for the next week. Especially since Ni, is dragging me to this stupid Label party. Lord knows it's gonna take me the whole weekend to get ready and to recover.

I thought about how I could best tackle this mess in front of me. But then it dawned on me maybe, I could use this as a way to get out of going. I don't really want to be around a bunch of snooty executives and wanna be pop stars, not when we could just go out and get some ice cream and hangout like we used to.

I can't for the life of me understand why she has been so adamant about me going. She knows I hate parties. Hell, she hates parties too, so why is she so hell bent on going to this one. I'm pretty sure AJ has gotten to her head. She hasn't changed since she met him, but she is so much more adventurous than before, and that's saying something because she is usually so stubborn. I couldn't even get her to come with me to ride the subway when we first moved to New York.

There was a knock at my cubicle. I looked up to see one of my immediate supervisors, Walter, looking down at me. I stood up to be polite, even though he towered over me. I've been at this company for the past 6 months and it's very easy to tell that Walter has a thing for me. And at 6 foot even, age 27, muscles that fill out every empty space of blue button down shirt, smooth brown skin, big brown eyes and full lips.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't find him extremely attractive. But I just got here six months ago. I need to prove myself as an irreplaceable worker, before I even entertain the thought of having sex with the boss. Besides I'm not that girl at all. And unless he makes the first move at the right time it would never happen. No matter how wet I get thinking about him bending me over my desk.

"Zion, have you taken your lunch today?" His entire body was entirely too large for my small cubicle. I felt a bit intimidated by his height... in a good way.

"Uhh, no sir. I have so much preparation to do for next week. It slipped my mind. I have just been munching on vending machine snacks." I responded while stepping back a bit and leaning on my desk. The proximity could be too much. He smiled that beautiful smile at me and chuckled.

"Preparation? Munching? Zion we can't have you missing lunch for work that isn't even due yet. Furthermore knowing you, the work is probably not even due for another two payrolls. AND I know you are going to work this weekend too." I blushed in response.

"I have to be on top of my game, sir. AND this weekend I'll actually be out of the office." I smiled proudly of myself. Walter and I usually shared the office on the weekends, our other co-workers made sure to let us know that we were 'in need of a life'.

"Mhmm, we will see." His eyes ran over my body. I felt a little insecure, I wasn't the smallest girl around, but I also realized that if he was looking it was because he wanted to. I knew that my purple peplum shirt and white knee length pencil skirt was a good idea. And a silent thank you to a pushy Naomi for making me wear the black pumps.

He cleared his throat. "Anyway, I came over here to offer to share my lunch with you today. I ordered Chinese and made sure to get an order of the chicken and broccoli you always order on the weekend."

"Aww, that was so sweet of you. Thank You." He ushered the way out of the cubicles and followed behind me on the way to his office. "You know, I can never turn down free Chinese."

"Yeah, I know it." He grunted out. I could feel his eyes glued to my ass. Usually I would feel so self conscious with the attention but back home I rarely got any male attention back home because of my long time boyfriend. But I'd grown to like positive instances of the male gaze.

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