I Don't Like To Share

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Zion's POV

We made a quick stop at IHOP and got some food to go since I was so tired. He is very considerate. I don't see much thug in him, like everyone suggests. I got pancakes, bacon, and hashbrowns. He got the same thing I got just double it, eggs, sausage, and French toast. When they came out with the food. He politely smiled at the waitress and said thank you. I could tell his smile affected her the same way it did me.

"What? Why you staring at me like that?" He looked down at me laughing and asked me. I doubled over in more laughter.

"Why do you need so much food?" I got into the car, after he held the door open for me. He climbed in after me sitting the food down in between us.

"You laughing now, but in the morning you gone crying while I'm eating these leftovers." He smirked over at me.

"Oh, so you not gonna share with me?" I batted my eyelashes at him.

"Nah, you was just making fun of a nigga for all this food. I'm strategic as fuck when it comes to food. So I hate sharing." He side eyed me, as we pulled into a well-kept neighborhood. The houses weren't huge but they looked like they belonged to middle class families.

"I hope you wasn't expecting a big house an' shit. I ain't got that kinda money yet." He looked at me timidly.

"Oh please. You should see me and Naomi's apartment complex." I didn't want him to feel bad. He should be proud that he was even able to buy a house in New York housing market in the first place.

"You inviting me over?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes and hopped out of the car as we pulled up to a two story brownstone.

"I mean you are more than welcome to come over whenever AJ comes over. I'm always in need of a distraction when they get together at the house." He laughed in response, thanked Pete and tipped him as we headed inside. He unlocked the door and followed me in, locking the door behind us.

"I think I can provide a great distraction." He winked at me and licked his lips. There goes those damn butterflies in my stomach again.

"Are we going to be doing this the whole time I'm here?" I flicked my hair to the side and gave him a look.

"I mean..." He stroked his chin as he looked me up and down. The look sent shocks straight through my body. He laughed and led us to the kitchen. The house was nice. Not too big but not small either. The décor was simple and modern. Looked like a normal bachelors pad. We sat at the table and began to eat our food continuing our conversation from the party.

"So you got any siblings." He asked me while he bit into his pancakes. I took a sip of some orange juice that he poured for me.

"Nope." I popped the p. "I'm an only child. I mean I always wanted a sibling, but it just never happened. I got a lot of love from my parents, and they are still together loving on each other now. But they couldn't handle having another kid. They knew it and as I grew older so did I." He looked at me with a confused face. I chuckled. "My parents were great to me, but they were busy as fuck. My mom Yvonne, has her own psychology practice. And as I got older she now oversees a few group homes for mothers in need. I think once she retires that's what she is going to keep doing. My dad Evan, is a brain surgeon. So as you can imagine..." I took a bite of his fruit that he pulled out of his fridge for himself. He mean mugged me.

"Guh, you didn't hear me when I said I don't like to share food."

"I heard you. I just don't care." I smiled as I popped another pineapple in my mouth.

"Yo, I guess it's because you grew up alone, you ain't got no home training." He looked up at me while sucking the syrup off his fingers. Lawd.

"Oop. You tried me. I didn't grow up alone. I grew up with my parent's friends and their kids. My parents and their friends believed it takes a village to raise a kid. So I got 2 play older brothers and 1 play sister. And when I got to high school I found my best friend Naomi. Like I said I got love everywhere. Just no blood siblings. But I learned to get over it. What about you?" I watched him as picked up the pancake with his fingers and took a bite.

"I got hella siblings. Both my parents played a large role in my life. So I guess like you I got mad love everywhere. But my parents aren't together. And they never were. Both my parents had kids before and after me. I got 12 half siblings." He chuckled at my wide eyed response. "Yeah I don't talk to all of them often. But the brother and sister before me and the younger sister and brother after me, we keep in touch. I grew up with them." My eyes followed his fingers again as they had the pleasure of being licked on by his tongue. That's it my panties are officially ruined. I crossed my legs and leaned forward. KB's eyes caught the motion and smirked at me.

"You good?" He asked as he continued sucking on his finger.

"I'm fine. I think I'm done with my food." I stood up. "Can I put the rest up in your fridge until tomorrow?"

"Yeah ma, go ahead." He followed me into the kitchen to put his food away too. "Let me show you the way to the guest bedroom." We walked up the stairs and he showed me the guest room and the half bath that was attached. He left for a second after showing me how to work the remote for the television. Once he came back he brought me a charger for my phone, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and a t-shirt and shorts. "I'on know if you wanted to sleep in those jeans. So I brought you some of my clothes if you want. It's up to you."

"Okay thanks." I smiled at him. Once I took the items from his arms and placed them on the bed, I turned back to him as I sat on the bed and began to unlace my boots. "Hey, thanks for this. I know it seems kind of weird that this girl you just meet is staying in your place. But I know Naomi is not thinking about me right now. I should have brought my key. I wasn't thinking." I was rambling. He chuckled leaning against the door frame and looked at me.

"It's no problem Zion. Honestly. I'm happy for the opportunity to talk to you. And get to know you. Naomi stay talking about you so it's nice to finally meet you." I loved the way his deep voice pronounce my name.

"Well, I'm still gracious. I owe you one." I looked at him under my lashes.

"I'mma hold you to that. Matta fact pass me your phone." I smiled as I passed him my phone. He handed it back to me and he put his phone number in and texted himself. "Well I'mma let you get to sleep. Make yourself at home. If you need me my room is the last door on the left. If you can't get to sleep, I got something for that too." He winked at me and adjusted himself as he walked away.

I rolled my eyes. "Goodnight KB." He turned around and mugged me.

"Night Zi."

Y'all let me know what's up. I already have the next couple of chapters written. I just want to know if you guys are enjoying it.

As always, Comments, Suggestions, and Constructive Criticism is always welcome!!!

Until next time 😘😘😘

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