I Take His Ass to Red Lobster

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I walked outside to see Walter standing next to his white Audi. I guess that is what being one of the managers of Human Resources for a large company can do. He smiled as I approached him. He bent down to hug me.

"Zion, how are you today?" I smiled at him as he opened my car door for me.

"I'm doing well, how are you?"

"Better now that you are with me." He closed the door. And I rolled my eyes as he walked to the other side.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" I looked at him curiously as he pulled off and started driving.

"Dinner? Then I figure we could take a walk through the park." He looked at me to see my reaction. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Sounds good to me. What restaurant?" He smiled softly.

"It's a surprise."


A Few Minutes Later

It was Red Lobster guys. Like. We live in New York and the most creative he could get was Red Lobster? Disappointed is the best way to describe my feelings.

"Feel free to get whatever you want. No Limit." I held the menu in front of my face and rolled my eyes. If he wanna "ball", I'mma eat. The waitress came up to the table and I got the 4 course dinner special, with an extra side of Lobster. He smiled at me.

"I like a girl who can eat." He said once the waitress was gone. So fucking corny. Who says shit like that? Like yeah I am a big girl but that's not something we want to hear. I internally sighed. I wasn't eating all that food now. I may be on the bigger side but my stomach has a limit. I was gonna take the food home for later so that I could enjoy it in peace.

We talked for a bit but the conversation was really dry. Walter kept interrupting me whenever I started talking. I don't understand he didn't act this way in the office. Is it because he thinks that he can treat women that he is interested in different from who he works with. All I could think about was KB, the more time I spent with Walter I realized that I missed him. Even if it has only been two days.

"So Zion, have you heard I'm writing a new book." I looked at him interestedly, even though on the inside I was dying. All he does is talk about himself. I discreetly pulled my phone out and texted Koni one of my play brothers Aubrey Koni Graham. I knew he worked at the Italian Restaurant not too far from here and would be getting off soon. I needed a way to escape.

"Have you ever written anything?" Walter asked me as he paid for the bill. Oh look I get to speak now.

"Well actually I hav-"

"I wouldn't have expected you to write anything. You are so new to this..." He kept talking but I tuned out. I looked at my phone praying that Koni would help his sister out. We walked out of the Red Lobster and headed for his car. I felt my shoulders drop as I realized that Koni was not going to show up and I would have to spend more time with Walter.

"Zion Yvonne!!" My head shot up in the direction that I heard that sound. I made eye contact with Koni as he approached the car.

"I ain't seen you in a minute girl! Oooowee. It's been a second." Koni wrapped his arms around me tightly. I squealed and hugged him back.

"Thank you" I whispered in his ear. He smirked and turned towards Walter.

"Wassup man? Who are you?" Koni was already a pretty aggressive guy. He never liked the guys that me and Tati my play sister used to bring home. He always said that we were too young lol whatever that means.

"Hello I am Walter, Zion's supervisor." Koni raised his eyebrows at me and pulled me closer into his side. "Who are you?" Walter looked at Koni wearily.

"I'm Zion's brother Koni. You don't mind if I steal her do you? I ain't seen her in a minute cause she don't like her older brother no more." I rolled my eyes.

"Uhm. I guess not. Zion is that okay with you." Walter looked at me sadly. I couldn't help but think about how differently this situation would have gone if it was KB instead of Walter. KB is so much more dominate than Walter. KB would not let me be pulled away from him by some strange guy on the street. I missed KB.

"Yeah. I feel kind of bad for leaving you Walter but we can talk on Monday at work. I haven't seen my brother in a few months." I walked up to Walter and gave him a hug then turned to Koni so that he could lead me to his car.

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Drake as Zion's play brother Koni.

Super duper short update.

Comments, Suggestions, and Constructive Criticism, are always welcome. I want to become a better writer for you guys enjoyment and for myself.

Until next time 😘😘😘

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