I'm not His Girlfriend (Remake)

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2 ½ Months Later

"Baby, I'll be there I promise." I rolled my eyes at myself in my mirror as I was finishing up the last touches. Naomi was off in her room packing an entire dresser for just two weeks. I told her not to bring so much shit but she never listens.

"Don't roll your eyes at me. I'm serious get here on time. I don't trust you or Naomi to show up anywhere on time." Oops I forgot we were face timing. I smiled at him

"You always making me seem like the late black girl. Besides Naomi is your manager now she can't be late."

"Psssh have you told her that? I mean she gets the job done. But she is never anywhere on time." He turned his head to dap someone up.

"I heard that asshole!!!" Naomi shouted from her room.

"Good. Maybe you'll learn to be on time now!!" He yelled back.

"In your dreams, loverboy! Tell my baby to pick me up some jewelry when ya'll go to that store today." I watched as KB's face turned red.

"Why don't you tell him yourself.... WHEN you get here!!!!" Naomi waved him off and walked away. He shook his head. He looked at me and smiled. I saw his grill covering his bottom teeth. Looking Daddyish as usual. He was getting ready to get on stage for the concert tonight. He had been touring with Chance for about a month now. I missed him like crazy. But we made our way through it. I wasn't easy for either of us. I learned I get jealous easily, and he learned that he is clingier then he thought.

We have learned more about each other but in a way this time apart has brought us closer together. It just sucks sometimes because he can't answer his phone whether he is promoting his upcoming album, preforming, or doing an interview. I miss him and sometime I still have a knowing feeling that he is going to leave me for someone better. But. He always calls back, stays on the phone with me until one of us falls asleep. He reassures me that there is no one else for him but me.

"Babe, if you're late, I swear I'mma find you and fuck you until you can't walk for a week." My thighs clenched at the thought. I smirked at him.

"Don't tempt me." I quickly hung up the phone as I heard him yelling in the back ground.

"Naomi, you ready. I already put my stuff in the car outside." We were flying to Atlanta to meet the boys. There was a concert tonight that KB really wanted me to attend at Lakewood Amphitheater. After that there was a concert in Orlando then Miami. Where we would hang out and catch up for a couple of days. KB had about two weeks before his next concert in Europe, so we figured why not spend it together, traveling. I took off for work, so that wasn't a problem.

My parents called to apologize. We spoke and cleared the air about somethings. But I'm not sure if I'm ready to let them back in yet. They could simply repeat the cycle all over again. But KB assured me that we can take this forgiveness at my pace. I told my parents that we might visit them for some insignificant holiday, they seemed happy with that.

I grabbed my purse off the counter and watched Naomi lug the rest of her luggage outside. I laughed at her and locked the door behind me. We climbed into the backseat of the car and the driver pulled off.

"Don't laugh at me, you've been packed for weeks, cause you get to see your baby." She attempted to mock my voice over the last few weeks as we planned this trip. I must have talked about it every day since we bought the tickets.

"You can't say shit. You have one whole suit case for lingerie." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Hey, one of us has to be prepared." She snapped at me, and rolled her neck.

"I hope you packed condoms too. Talking about being prepared. I don't need no God babies." I muttered the last part under my breath.

"Hey, at least it would be cute." She smiled at me. We chatted incessantly about silly things on the way to the airport. Like Dental dams, the orange cheese doodle that we had for a president, and Walter's new girlfriend. Whom he insists on bringing around since I told him that we couldn't be together. Especially after him and KB almost fought because Walter made me come in on Saturday. I thought it was for work, but it was for no other reason, than to spend 'quality time' with his mentee. I had to shut that down quickly and call KB to come pick me up. Let's just say he was not happy.

We arrived at the airport and quickly went through security. Then grabbed some vacant seats after getting some airport food. We were waiting for our flight to be called, when this pretty white girl came up to us. I had shades on hoping that no one recognized me. Yes I was beginning to get recognized as KB's girlfriend, he had me on his Instagram almost every other day.

"Hey aren't you KB's girlfriend, Zion?" I looked at the girl ready to snap. Clearly I had on baggy sweats a hoodie and glasses because I didn't want to be bothered. But my parents always said common sense isn't so common.

"Yeah, wait don't I know you?" I looked closely at her. It looked like the girl that we met at Coney Island all those months ago. "Steph, right?" She squealed. Naomi shushed her.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so happy you recognized me. Are you going to Atlanta to meet up with him? Do you miss him? Are you gonna be at the concert?" I laughed as she rambled on.

"Yes. Yes, and yes. Are you going to his concert?" I looked at her expectantly.

"Yeah it's the only one my parents would let me go to, because I could stay with my Aunt in Buckhead and hang out. I wanted to get VIP passes but our parents said now." She gestured behind herself to a pretty dark skinned girl with numerous gorgeous tattoos. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"That's my sister Robyn." I didn't bother to ask questions.

"I could get you guys some passes." They stared wide eyed at me.

"Really? That would be great. So amazing thank you!!!" Robyn finally spoke up.

"Yeah no problem. Do you follow me on Instagram?" They both nodded. Its so weird how his fans follow me too. "Just message me on there, and I'll get the information that I need from you and you guys can pick it up at the concert. I'll give you instructions." They squealed again and hugged.

"Aye, we tryna keep a low profile here. And as fast as Zion will give you the tickets, I'll take them away." Naomi spoke up from her seat. They quickly nodded and went to sit down.

"You just out here being saint Zion ain't you?" She stood up as they began to call our seats. "You don't even know if you can get them passes or not."

"Don't matter, I know I can get them in." I smirked at her as we picked up our belongings and headed for the plane boarding doors. My thoughts the entire plane ride centered on my first encounter with Steph, and how I was so insistent. I chuckled to myself. 'I'm not his girlfriend". And now I wouldn't change my title for anyone.

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