Mean Flirt

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Zion POV

I finally made it home. Lucky for me Naomi was home. Unlucky for me Naomi was home.

"Girl don't try and sneak through that door." She ran up on me and pulled me into the living room. And we sat on the couch. "Go ahead and start from the beginning. What happened?" I sighed.

"First of all I forgot my keys. So that's why I'm just now coming home." She laughed. "What are you laughing for? I had to spend the night at KB's house. It was cool but embarrassing at the same time."

"Zion, you always forgetting your keys. I was telling on Thursday to cut that shit out. Its gonna bite you in the ass one day. And look what happened I was right." She does always nag me about my keys. But if we carpool most days. What do I need my keys for? "Anyway what happened after yall left?"

I told her the whole story from the beginning. From the moment that we danced together, to just now when he dropped me off at the apartment. She gushed at the end.

"Awwwwwe y'all are so cute!!! Did he really let you have some of his food? Because that boy is stingy as fuck when it comes to his food. Like he will leave me starving in the studio and eat his food in my face. Asshole." I rolled my eyes and stood up and walked to my bed room I gathered my items for the shower I was going to take.

"Yeah he 'shared' his food with me. But he complained each time."

"Chile he will slap my hand anytime I get near his food. He must like you."

"It's not that serious Ni, it was just some fun." I turned the water on and lit my incense. We talked a little more, as I hopped in the shower.

"Well do you like him?" I hesitated at her question.

"I just met him Ni, how would I know?" I continued lathering myself up. It seems like a lot of our conversations are happening in this bathroom.

"You hesitated Zi. Why do you do that? You think I don't know my best friend. You knew you liked Damien in a week. Why can't you know if you like KB in a day?" She passed me a towel. I wrapped it around me and stepped out of the shower.

"I am attracted to him. I'm not arguing that Ni, but I don't know him well enough yet. Give me a few weeks and I'll let you know. Not everyone is going to know immediately like you and AJ." I walked to my room to put on my lotion and pajamas.

"They can Zion! They just choose to ignore the signs. People rather put up walls rather than just let the person in. I think that can happen with you and KB if you just let go of your stubbornness. But I don't know why I'm having this conversation with you. You always push men away. And we will just end up having an argument." She sat on my bed. She was already in her pajamas, which consisted of AJ's t-shirt.

"I'm not being stubborn Naomi. I'm being smart. I don't know if KB is as great for me as AJ is for you. And I'm not will to be hurt in order to find out." I really don't feel like having this conversation. I just want to get in my bed so that I can sleep and get ready for work in the morning.

"Zion, just be open to whatever may happen between you two. That's all I'm saying." She sighed and stood up from my bed. "You sure you two didn't have sex. I just can't believe that he didn't jump on the opportunity to tap that ass." She playfully slapped my butt.

"No! Ni, we did not have sex. Trust me I would tell you. Get out bothering me, we both got work in the morning." As I was pushing her out my phone dinged with a text.

"Ooooohhh. I bet that's him." She ran over to my phone and picked it up. I snatched it from her and opened the text.


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