Update 2 HDHR

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Wooooow it's been sooo long. So long that I had to reread the story. And honestly I want to edit it really badly. So I have started to edit the story. Please hang with me as POV  changes and some other major changes happen.

But because I got some major love from Nina4lifexoxo  she was so sweet to me.  I figured I'd come with an update.

Also I want to mention that I am going to be on here a bit more often. I have other stuff that I want to share with you guys. So I would love to have the support that you showed me for this book!!

Zion POV

"Baaaaaabe. Baby." I whine, waddling down the stairs of the Brownstone, searching for my husband.  I've been craving chocolate ice cream and pineapples for the past hour. The only reason I'm now speaking up is because of the insatiable nature of it. I finally found the love of my life tucked away in his in-home studio, I stared at KB as he worked tirelessly on the new song he was writing. He was shirtless and I watched closely his muscles flexing as he moved and wrote. The house was on a constant 78 degrees because I was getting cold a lot easier than before and KB always did his best to accomodate me. I saw AJ on Facetime with him, the phone propped up against the soundboard.
"What do you need, Zion?" KB glanced back at me. His eyes ran over my body barely covered in the large t shirt that I stole from him a few days ago.
"I'm hungry." I hated bothering him when he was working. So I had left him alone for the past three hours but being 8 months pregnant and alone for more than 2 hours wasn't really working for me. So I left the confines of our room in search of food and my man.
He sat back in his chair and watched me closely. Rubbing his chin he asked "What do you want to eat?"
"Food." I responded sarcastically. I rub my stomach as a flutter of movement from our baby created a small short series of cramps.
"Watch it. I told you about that damn attitude." His eyes warned me. But I wanted to push it, I was way too hungry to care that his voice dropped a few octaves as he spoke threateningly. I wasn't scared, I've handled his 'punishments before'. I just couldn't help it though, did he not think of me? I mean it's been three hours since I ate and he hasn't asked if I was okay or nothing.
"Fuck you nigga, I'm hungry. I'll cop an attitude if I want to." I responded and braced a hand on the back of my hip. My back had been killing me recently and I was just ready to have my body back. Ready for my babygirl to get here.
AJ watched the confrontation with an amused look. Then glanced at his own 3 month pregnant hormonal fiancé Naomi, who was curled up on the other side of the couch. She had a hard time leaving his side recently as well. Very similar to KB's situation a few months ago. Watching his friends he realized this is what he had to look forward to. So he hung up and turned to his own lady to bask in the non attitude moments while they lasted.
KB stood and approached me, his stature overwhelming my shorter one quickly.
"I told yo little ass to come get some food 2 hours ago and you stayed in bed. Don't come at me like I don't take care of mine." His knuckles caught my chin roughly. His light brown eyes stared intensely at me. His eyes a soft reminder of who I was dealing with.
"I didn't hear you." I rolled my eyes and tried to pull away from his hold. His fingers tightened their grip.
"You didn't hear me or you didn't listen?" He retorted
"KB it doesn't even matter. Can we just go get some food? I'm starving. And my back hurts from standing. I'm ready to get back in bed." I began pouting and he quickly pressed his lips against mine and nipped my bottom lip.
"Cut it out. Go get my slippers and keys. I gotta wrap this up." I quickly turned around to do as I was told when I felt a sharp sting on my ass.
"Alexander!" I shrieked and stared at him wide-eyed.
"I'm sorry." He held his hands up in mock surrender. "It's just that it's so fat. I can't help myself sometimes." A bright smile lit up his face as he stared at me. His eyes twinkled with mischief. His tongue darted out to swipe across his bottom lip.
I rolled my eyes and replied, "All of me is fat. You wanna slap the baby too?"
He quickly shook his head and dropped down to his knees. Wrapping his arms around my waist he whispered into my belly, "I could never hurt my baby."
"So I'm not your baby anymore? You'll slap my ass in a second." I playfully rolled my eyes and pushed him off of me. I quickly went to gather his stuff, my hand guarding my ass in case of anymore slaps. I could hear him chuckling from behind me.
"Here baby." I passed him his keys and shoes and watched eagerly as he put them on and closed out the stuff he was working on.
"What do you want to eat? Damn near bouncing out of your slippers over there in excitement." He watched me closely with a smile on his face. I grabbed his hand and led us quickly to the car.
"I want ice cream from that place out in Brooklyn. But we gotta go now before they close." KB stopped dead in his tracks, looking at his watch in confusion.
"Babe it's like a 45 minute drive they close in 15 minutes."
I quickly turned around to face him.
"Not if you speed." A sinister smile broke out across my face.
"You must've bumped your head if you think I'm going to speed with my babies in the car. Let's just go to Pinksters Ice Cream up the street." He kissed my forehead and headed toward the car. I started pouting. "You better put that bottom lip away before I bite it."
I hugged myself and stomped my feet marching after him. My feet coming to a stop halfway to the car.
KB looked back at me curiously.
"Let's go. I'll carry you if I have to." He smiled and approached me slowly like I was going to run.
"Babe." I said quietly. My eyes widening tears begin sliding down my cheeks as fear settles into my heart.
"What's wrong babygirl?" KB approaches me immediately with concern and fear in his eyes. His arms wrap around me tightly. "Come on, Talk to me." His voice urgent, his eyes taking on a sense of fear as well.
I push away from him and look down at my legs as a trickle of water leaks down my legs a pain that feels like cramping makes a home in my lower abdomen. KB's eyes follow mine, the urgency in his voice moves to his steps now. He quickly walked me to the car and tells me to breathe, his voice the most calming thing in the world right now. I hold his hand tightly when I feel him move to leave me.
"Baby don't leave me." I whine and moan in pain.
"I'm coming back baby. I promise, I just gotta get our hospital bags, remember. Two seconds cause we already put them by the door, once we hit seven months. Just give me a minute baby. I promise I'll be right back." I reluctantly let go of him and hold my belly as another wave of pain takes over me.
"Hurry." Another tear rolls down my cheek. KB kisses it and rushes into the house and comes out a minute later. The two bags on his shoulder and his phone next to his ear. He throws the bags into the back and passes me a cool water bottle. Starting the car he heads to our chosen hospital a month early.
My parents and his meet us there, whispered words of encouragement and smiles are sent my way. Naomi and Tati are called and make their way to the hospital.
The next 5 hours is a bit hard to remember and filled with nothing but family, friends, and pain. Doctors and nurses are in and out of the room constantly, and there are needles everywhere. KB does his best to make me laugh and smile and for the most part I do, but sometimes the pain was too much and in those moments he would just hold me close.
The press does nothing but hound AJ and Naomi to get a glimpse of anything. And my mother and father finally had enough, they go outside the hospital and threaten them with every lawsuit they can think of after they tear them a new one so that I can deliver in peace. Naomi and Tati sit in the delivery room with me and my two older brothers wait with every other family member on both sides in the waiting room. Luckily KB and I chose a private hospital with private waiting rooms for each patient.
My blood pressure runs high and the doctors are fearful that something is going wrong. Tears well up in KB's eyes as he tells the doctors. No, he screams at the doctors that they better figure something out because there will be hell to pay if he loses either of his two babies.
It's hectic. It's scary. I'm afraid that I'll lose our baby.

But when we see her face.
The world slows to a stop.
And we know we have our Diamond.

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