The Aftermath

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I calmly walked into the apartment to find AJ and Ni snuggled up watching television.

"Wassup Zi? I thought you was spending the night at KB's place." I looked at him then Ni, then kept walking.

"Hold on, let me go talk to her." I could hear Naomi whisper to him. I quickly went to my room and tried to shut the door before she came in. But Naomi's thick ass did run track in high school. I guess she still got it.

"You good bestie?" I sat on my bed and stared down at the floor. She quickly sat next me and wrapped her hands around me. "What's wrong mama? Was it KB if it was I swear I'll kill him." She started to pull her phone out to call him when AJ came into the room.

"Aye baby girl I gotta go to the studio with KB. He says its important. I'm sorry ma, I know this is supposed to be our night." AJ looked at Naomi and didn't once look at me.

"It's okay." She waved him off and kept scrolling through her phone.

"Ni, stop it wasn't him."

"Oh..." She put her phone down.

"It was me." She looked at me quizzically.

"I just don't understand how I can like him so much so quickly."

"Sweetie, it happens. You can't run every time you start to feel something for some one. You did the same shit with Damien and you regretted that didn't you." I ignored the name she brought up. "You have these walls up and they are going to prevent them from letting you feel something amazing."

"I can't help it." I started to tear up.

"Yes, you can. First start with why. Why do you feel the need to protect yourself?"

"Because I feel like I'm going to get hurt. Like whoever I let in won't understand me. And most importantly that they won't like me." She gave me a face. "Fine. Because they won't like my body. I'm mean sometimes I think to myself who would like me?"

"Zizi. You need to understand that not everyone has the same taste and not everyone is going to be the same. You already know I love you for the person you are inside and out. You are the most caring passionate beautiful girl. I'm sure KB can see that too. But I'm not going to have this deep long conversation with you. Because it's not me you aren't letting in. You need to talk to KB." I started shaking my head. "Oh but we need a yes. He is the one that you want to let in. He is the one you have feelings for."

"I'm not calling him." She smirked at me.

"Whatever Zion, you will be calling him before the weekend is over. Now come watch this movie with me. Since you are the reason AJ had to leave." She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bedroom.

"I'm not the reason he left." She chuckled.

"KB and AJ don't go to the studio on Thursdays. KB called AJ after yall's little blow out and that's why he left."



"She dead ass just looked at me like she had no heart and left." I was pacing in the studio back and forth. "After I just poured my heart out to her. She said 'I don't know what you are talking about' and left." I was blown away for sure.

"Nigga I told you she not going to be easy." He was chomping on some chicken he picked up for us. I wasn't in the mood to eat though.

"I never thought it would be easy. But I also never thought she would walk out on a nigga. Shit I thought she felt the same way about me that I do her. And I could never leave the way she did!"

"Listen man. Are you listening." I glanced at him. "Yo, Alex stop fucking pacing. Sit down." I sat down. "Fucking giving me anxiety just looking at you."

"Being with Zion ain't going to be no fucking walk in the park. I mean sometimes it will be and sometimes it won't. But you can't let that stop you. She has walls up yeah. But have you tried to figure out why those wall are there? Maybe instead of trying to tear shit down, try figuring out why things are up in the first place."

He had a point.

"I just hate feeling like I'm doing all the chasing and she don't want me like I do her." I put my head in my hands.

"Have you guys had a serious talk about your feelings? I mean like really sat down and talked about your expectations, feelings, or past relationships, not too deep into that cause we don't want to dwell on the past. But it sounds to me like y'all need to talk it out." I sighed and stood up pulling out my phone.

"You're right. I'm going to call her." AJ looked at me like I was crazy.

"Nah man. First of all y'all both need to cool down. And second of all you got me over here in this studio, while I'm supposed to be balls deep in my girl right now." I rolled my eyes at him. "We gon work while we here. Besides it's a good way to get some shit off your chest.

I felt off my game cause of what was going on, but he was right. So I went into the studio, and threw something together.

I want you to be mine again baby

I know my lifestyle is driving you crazy

I cannot see myself without you

We call them fans though, girl you know how we do

I go out of my way to please you

I go out of my way to see you

And I want you to be mine again baby

I know my lifestyle is driving you crazy

But, I cannot see myself without you

We call them fans though, girl you know how we do

I go out of my way to please you

I go out of the way to see you

I ain't playing no games, I need you

Comments, Suggestions, and Constructive Criticism, are always welcome. I want to become a better writer for you guys enjoyment and for myself.

Until next time 😘😘😘

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