Zion Marley just got her dream job fresh out of college as a Human Resource Assistant. She has been working her tail off to get where she is today. Her insecurities have taken a back seat as she tries to find her own space in the world. She barely...
We were in KB's living room watching Bella freak out over the new vacuum AJ bought to mess with her. No he did not buy KB a self-functioning vacuum to help him clean the house; he bought it to fuck with his dog. Elijah and AJ thought it was hilarious but KB had had enough of them torturing his dog.
"Yo man chill, stop you making her look crazy." KB picked Bella up out of the corner and wrapped her in his arms to get her to calm down. He came and sat next to me once she was quiet. Which wasn't long because the doorbell rang and she was out of his arms in seconds. KB glanced at me nervously. Ever since I told him yesterday that my other brother was in town and that my siblings wanted to meet him, he has seemed kind of nervous.
"Don't worry baby they will love you. At least my sister will."
"And I'll love Tristian." Lily said slightly under her breath Naomi and I rolled our eyes at Lily.
"Don't that nigga got two kids?" AJ asked looking at her funny.
"Soooo? More love to give." She said proudly, as she stood up to answer the door.
"Sit your fast ass down Lily." KB looked at her sternly. She rolled her eyes and sat back down. I giggled and stood up to answer the door. I smiled at my sister Tati and squealed. We hugged super hard then did our secret hand shake that we came up with when we were younger.
"Sissy, I missed you!!" I squealed once we were done hugging.
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"I missed you more Vonni!!!" Tati and I used to be the best of friends. I mean we still are it's just that I don't get to spend that much time with her. She travels a lot because like the rest of our siblings we are trying to get away from our parents.
I quickly greeted my brothers Koni and Tristan. Giving them hugs quickly. Tristian brought his two little ones with him ZaRiah who is 1 and a half and Jamil who is three. I picked up Jamil who was tugging hard on my pant leg.
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"How is Auntie's baby? Hmm?" I nuzzled him and planted kisses all over his face and he giggled.
"I good Aunte Vonni. I misth you." Jamil had a bit of a lisp which is to be expected at such a young age.
"Aww I miss you to Jamil." Zariah started to cry from all the attention I was giving Jamil so I went to put him down, but Tristan stopped me.
"Nuh uh. She just want attention. I'm not gonna let her throw a fit and let her think its okay and she can get what she wants just because she is crying." Tati rolled her eyes and took Riah from her daddy.
"She's a baby Tris, give my niece whatever she wants." She tickled her under Riah's chin to get her to laugh.
I gave Koni a one armed hug, then grabbed his hand and lead him into the living room.
"Baby, This is my family. That's my sister Tati, my older brothers Koni and Tristan. This is Tristan's son Jamil." I picked up his hand so he could wave, he pulled away and hid in my neck. Everyone chuckled. I pointed at Riah, who bounced up and down in Tati's arms and clapped. "That's my niece ZaRiah. Family, these are my friends. You guys already know Naomi, that's her boyfriend AJ. That's Lily, Jenny and her little boy Ricky, and Elijah KB's siblings, and this is my boyfriend Alexander Anthony." I grabbed KB's hand so he and Koni could shake hands.
They stared each other down for a minute or two. Not moving, this can't be good. Koni has always been protective of Tati and I, and now that Tris is here to gas him up there is no telling what could happen. I just want them to get along.
"Damn Zi, you ain't say your sister was cute as fuck!" Elijah yelled and jumped up to take her hand and kiss it. Tati blushed and ducked her head. Oh lord.
"Yo man back up off our sister. She ain't ask you to do all of that." Tris looked hard at Elijah until Elijah kissed his teeth and walked back to sit next to Jenny.
"Eli, what I tell you about all that cussin around your nephew anyway." Jenny reached up and hit him upside the head.
"Man Jenny, stop I already talked to Little Man he knows not to repeat the shit I say. Unless its to pick up a fine honey he see on the playground. Ain't that right Little man." Elijah bent down to fist pump Ricky. Jenny rolled her eyes at them. Tati and I giggled. While everyone else awkwardly dispersed and started to talk and get to know each other. I put Jamil down. KB walked himself and my brothers outside. I wanted to follow but KB gave me a hard look to stay put. I knew after a few days ago I should listen but curiosity got the best of me. As I began to follow them outside the back door KB opened the door and looked at me.
"I'm not playing with you Zi, let me just talk to them alone." He gave me a hug and grabbed my ass. "Let me catch you eaves dropping and I'll fuck your ass up. Again." He whispered in my ear then slapped my ass and slid out the door. I can tell you right now, my black ass turned right around and joined the rest of the group.
Oh shit. What you all think is about to happen? What do you all want to happen? Do you guys think Koni is upset after hearing what happened between KB and Loni a couple of days earlier?
Comment, Suggestions, and Constructive Criticism always welcome. I aim to be a better writer for you guys and myself.