You Better

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Zion's POV

I sat in my bedroom with my door locked, music loud, and T.V. on, while I tried to focus on my work. I was in a conference call with Walter to make sure we got the work done on time and accurately.

"Zion, the Catrina signed up for benefits last month and she still isn't in the system. Whats going on? You usually don't let things like this slip." His face was etched in concern.

"I could have sworn I put her on there last week." I ruffled through my papers. My head was all over the place.

"Maybe we should take a break we have been at this all morning its creeping on 1:30. I'm starving would you like to join me for a bite to eat." I inwardly rolled my eyes. No way was I going through that again.

"Thanks but no thanks. I'd rather finish this, I'll see you Monday." I hung up and turned down the music. I listened out to hear if Naomi and AJ were still here. When I heard no noise I crept out to grab something to eat. I was at the fridge reaching for the bread to make a sandwich when I heard a throat clear. I tensed up then slowly turned around to see Naomi standing there in her pajama shorts and crop top with her arms crossed.

"Hey Ni." Fuck I did not want to talk to her.

"Don't hey Ni me. Where the fuck were you?"

"Working. I do have a job Ni. I can't drop everything anytime you guys want me to." I rolled my eyes at her and continued buttering my bread.

"Zion, you have been working for the last month. I know you have a job, but you have a boyfriend too." I scoffed at her comment.

"He knows I have a job."

"Does he? Cause last I heard he hasn't heard from you in a month. He told me you packed up all your stuff you had over there and moved it back here."

"I'm paying for an apartment. Thought I might as well use it." I finally finished my sandwich and took a bite.

"You told me you were going to be at his place last night. Why did you lie?"

"How do you know I wasn't?" I looked at her challengingly.

"Because I asked him what you guys had planned for the night, and he said he didn't know what I was talking about. He said he hasn't seen you since the night he told you about the tour." She sat on one of the bar stools.

"Well, maybe I told you the wrong night." I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

"No. You lied. To me and him. He misses you." I avoid eye contact with her as I took a sip of my water.

"Okay. And your point is?" This conversation is quickly becoming exactly what I wanted to avoid.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked me, her features softening, she walked towards me. I backed up quickly and maneuvered around her. I turned around to look at her as I closed my bedroom door.

"You know why." I turned around to see my phone ringing. Of course it was him and of course I wasn't going to answer it.

After I let the call run and he left a message. My dad called, I reluctantly answered.


"Hi Dad."

"Zion. Your mother and I were calling to make sure you were still coming to the gathering next weekend." His voice was strong deep and professional.

"Yes Sir."

"You need to be more responsible and answer the reservations we sent you. We didn't send those for our health you know. We taught you better than this." I rolled my eyes.

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