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Zion's POV

I was showing Naomi the spreadsheet I was having trouble with, which is why I came over here. Ni, is a mastermind at Excel. How else would I pass College Statistics? When we heard someone clearing their throat at the door. I stood up and turned around, just in time to see KB blatantly checking me out. I bushed under his appreciative gaze. AJ came in around the desk to hug and kiss Naomi.

"Hey buddy, my eyes are up here." I motioned up so that he would look me in my eye. He slowly raised his gaze up to my eyes.

"My bad ma, wassup." He walked up to me and gave me a bear hug. Respectfully keeping his hands at a safe distance away from my ass.

"Hey, what are you guys doing up here?" I pulled back from his arms and sat in one of Naomi's office chair.

"Man we work here. What are you doing here is the better question." AJ mugged me as he sat down in Naomi's seat then pulled her into his lap.

"Don't come for me AJ. It was a simple question. I didn't ask for all that attitude." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. AJ laughed.

"We just came up here to ask Naomi if she wanted to go get some lunch." KB responded.

"So y'all wasn't going to invite me?" I looked at KB with puppy dog eyes.

"Yo ass stay working. So no we wasn't going to tell you." AJ mugged me again. I stood up and reached over the desk to punch AJ in the arm. "Ouch, chill out Zi. You showing out today cause your man here? Yo, KB check your girl." I raised my eyebrows at KB.

"Maaan, you the one taunting her. Don't start no shit won't be no shit." I gave him dap and we smiled at each other.

"Y'all belong together. What y'all got a secret handshake or something? Zion you trying to take my best friend from me. I'm no-" Naomi kissed him.

"Baby. Please shut up." She pecked his lips again. "Where did y'all want to go for lunch?" She stood up to gather her purse and stuff. She handed me my bag.

"We wanted to see if the Shake Shack was too crowded." AJ responded as he stood up.

"That place stays crowded." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, we wanted to see if the wait wasn't too bad." KB looked down at me as he offered me a hand to help me stand up. "You coming right?" I nodded.

"Naomi got my flash drive. And I can't do no work without her helping me with the spreadsheet so I might as well get something to eat." He licked his lips and smiled down at me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we walked out of the office.

Luckily we made it outside without any paparazzi today. We slid into Naomi's 2015 Toyota Rav 4 and headed for shake shack. The wait wasn't too bad so we sat in a booth while we waited for our food. KB insisted that he paid for my food so I held the buzzer for us. AJ and Ni were wrapped up in each other like always so KB and I just talked. It is so easy to talk to him. And he gives me this feeling in my stomach its addicting.

"Was you a party girl in college?" He placed his arm around the back of my seat and angled his body toward me.

"No. Haha, do I look like a party girl?" I looked up at him.

"Nah, you look like a goody too shoes. You probably never left the library. Always have your nose in a book." He smiled.

"Nope." I popped the p. "I hate studying. School always came easy for me. I studied yeah, but not as hard as I could have. I spent most of my time in college reading for fun, watching tv, or hanging out with my friends. We went out to a few bars but that was it. What about you? You didn't go to college right?"

"Nah. I mean maybe one day. But the music was calling me. I knew I couldn't do both, and something was telling me the music is where I need to be now. I can worry about college another day." He had this sparkle in his eye when he talked about school.

"But it is something you want to do right?"

"Yeah. I mean I'm 25 now. So I'll feel kind of funny going. But it is something I want to do. So that I know when I'm getting played by the record company." The buzzer went off in my hand, Naomi's too. KB took it from me and went to go get the food.

"What would you want to study?" I asked him when he sat back down. I began eating my burger

"Music Business or something like that. I don't know what exactly it's called, but that or music production." He ate one of his crinkly fries after dipping it in ketchup. I was eyeing his fries. I didn't get any because I didn't want my food to be too expensive since he insisted on paying.

"KB can I-"

"No." He kept eating his food.

"But they look so good." He turned his head to look at me and swallowed.

"No." He resumed his eating. I huffed and turned to my plate pouting. I could hear him sigh and out of the corner of my eye I could see him take a few fries out of his plate and place it on mine. I clapped cheerful and wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders, kissed his cheek and said thank you.

"Yo. KB did you just share?" AJ came out of his cocoon with Naomi once he noticed what happened. I happily ate a fry. AJ looked surprised. KB looked at my plate then back at AJ.

"Obviously." He kept eating.

"Nigga you never share with me. You don't share with anyone." AJ sounded amazed. "Zion he don't even share with his own momma. How did you get him to do that?"

"Shut up AJ. Stop making a big deal out of it." KB kept his head down as he continued to eat. I shrugged and kept eating the fries he gave me.

"Either way I'm grateful." We continued eating until we were all finished. We headed back to the office full and happy. Once we got back KB and AJ had to go to the studio to listen to some new tracks. Ni still needed to help me with the spreadsheet so I started to follow her to the office, but KB grabbed my hand.

"Aye, let me talk to you a minute." He was rubbing the back of his neck. I turned my head to tell Naomi to go up before me. I looked back up at KB to give him my full attention. "I know you a busy woman and all but, I just wanted to ask you for some of your time." I looked at him confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"Just be open to being friends with me. Give me a chance to get to know you. Don't let me not hear from you again for a couple of weeks cause you busy." He was still holding my hand, while he was looking down at me.

"Uhm, so you want me to make time for you? That's what you are saying?" He nodded yes. I chuckled. "You wanna be my friend?"

"I mean yeah you seem like a cool person. But Naomi said you stay busy, I just don't want to not be given a chance because of your new job." I rolled my eyes at his statement.

"How about this, we can hang. I have no problem with that. I'm not as busy as Naomi says I am." He gave me a look. "Okay maybe I am. But I hung out with you twice now does that not count?"

"You hung out with me because you had no choice. Look all I'm saying is be open to chilling with me if the chance arises." He interlocked our fingers.

"Yeah, KB. No problem, matter fact I go walking after work, when I don't have anything to do. And I need to walk off the hamburger and fries I just ate. So why don't you join me?" I looked down at our joined hands. Then up at him. He smiled.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll see you then." He gave me another bear hug and went off to join AJ.

Hey you guys, I know its going kind of slow. But as much as I love love at first sight stories, they never make sense to me.

As always, Comments, Suggestions, and Constructive Criticism is always welcome!!!

Until next time 😘😘😘

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