I'm not His Girlfriend

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I can't help but stare at Zion as she smiles while getting her caricature drawn. It's been less than 24 hours, but everything about this girl is pulling at my heart strings. I'm not saying I'm falling for her at all. Its way too soon for all of that. But there is something about this girl that makes me want to get to know her better.

She stuck her tongue out at me as I continued to stare at her. I rolled my eyes and looked at the drawing of her. The artist was giving her giant eyes. Which is one of her most captivating features. Her brown doe eyes could be a gate way to the soul, if she didn't have her guard up all the time.

Yeah we been talking about basic things like family and music, but I can tell that she is not going to let me in as easily as most people. Guys can tell when a female is interested and more importantly when someone is going to be open with them. And I was not getting that vibe from Zion at all. You want to know what kind of vibe I was getting.

"Let's go friend." Yup Friend zoned

Zion's POV

He is still staring at me. I'm flattered to say the least. And I am definitely attracted to this wonderful guy, that everyone things is a thug. But we just met. I can go riding off into the distance with every guy that I meet that I feel a connection with. Even if it's the strongest connection I have ever felt.

No I must stand my ground. The artist handed me the finished portrait. I paid and thanked him for his time.

"Let's go friend." I've been throwing that word out there all day. So that he knows that we need to be friends first. That is of course me assuming that he wants to be anything else. But hey, might as well cover all of my bases. I walked away from the portrait place and towards the roller coaster. He was behind me.

"Stop staring at me." I said as we joined the line for the ride.

"I'm not staring at you per se. But them legs ma. How are you doing it?" He was referencing my heel boots. I looked down at them then up at him and shrugged.

"I love these boots. They are comfortable and they look great any pain that I might feel is necessary." I smiled up at him, while trying to block the sun out of my eyes with my hand.

"Yeah okay. I bet they cost a pretty penny too." He scooted up so that he was blocking the sun for me. Which meant he was standing pretty close now. The line inched forward a bit, but he kept up with me.

"Thanks. They did. I saved up some money, once I saw them in the store. And a month later, these pretty little things were mine." I brought my knee up, careful not to raise the shirt that I had on, and caressed my favorite boot. He laughed at me and raised his eyebrows.

"You're cute you know that." He stared down at me childishly and chuckled. I mushed his face and scoffed.

"I prefer fucking amazing. Thank you very much." He rolled his eyes and placed his hands on my hips guiding me backwards, well forewords. Guess I wasn't paying attention to the line as it moved. We were going to be the next group in line to go.

"Fine fucking amazing it is." His hand were still on my hips. I looked up at him. His brown eyes were kinda intense as we waited for our turn.

"Excuse me but aren't you King Base?" This blonde girl said in line in front of us. KB didn't remove his hands. Instead he pulled me closer, as one hand reached out to shake hers, and the other wrapped around my waist completely. Pressing my body into his.

"Yeah that's me. Call me KB. It's nice to meet you." He said to the girl. I turned my head back as far as I could, she was a pretty girl, only about 18-19 years old. She squealed and shook his hand.

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