Forever and Always

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Zion POV

"Your pops got one more time to look at me sideways." KB glared at my dad from across the table. It was breakfast the next day. And we were at the table with Damien, India, My parents, and KB.

"Baby, don't we are almost through this. We just have to make it through the party this afternoon." I rubbed his thigh while I whispered into his ear.

"Zion would you like to share whatever it is with the rest of the table?" My mother asked while looking down at me.

"No ma'am."

"Then stop. I told you about letting that big mouth of yours run." I strongly fought the urge to roll my eyes. I forgot how much they hate me.

"Why do you talk to her like that?" KB spoke up, glaring at my mom.

"Excuse me!" My dad said sown the table.

"She heard me. Why do you talk to your only daughter like she means nothing to you."

"What would you know. You just got into her life. You know nothing to judge how we treat our daughter." My mom responded harshly. I tried to get KB to let it go, but I could tell that he wasn't going to drop it.

"I know you left her for weeks by herself when she was nine. I know that you always mention her weight like it's a problem, like she couldn't lap you in a pool. I know that you skipped her graduation for some bullshit. Then had the nerve to be skyped in on the end. All this shit you did hurt her, and now I'm left to pick up the pieces." He looked down at me with love in his eyes. "Which I have no problem doing. Your daughter means the world to me."

"Well that's great. But no one cares about her fat ass." Damien piped up from his seat. India laughed in agreeance, along with my mom.

"Yo, you got one more time to disrespect my girl, talk out the side of your neck, or talk when I wasn't speaking to you." KB asserted himself.

"Or what? You'll bash his head in like the thug you are? You come into my house and disrespect my wife and my friends. And expect me to like you." My dad responded to KB's anger.

"So it's okay to disrespect your daughter?!" He exclaimed, clearly flustered.

"You did that all on your own. Having sex with her in my house!" My dad yelled back. "You know what you and your disrespect need to leave. I refuse to let a thug like you date my daughter!"

"No. You don't get to decide her life for her. You lost that privilege when you repeatedly chose your careers over her. When you weren't around to watch her grow up into the beautiful strong black women she is. Without your help she will be the leader in the Human Resource field in the next 5 years." KB was cut off by my mom who scoffed.

"Without our help she wouldn't have been able to go to that school in Washington D.C. Without our help she wouldn't have graduated without a loan in her name. WE put her through school. She should be grateful. If you keep talking like this you will have nothing left to you when we are gone. As well as stop sending you money every two weeks." They always threatened to leave me with nothing. I felt the tears begin to well up in my eyes. I sniffled.

"Aww is the little baby crying?" India said under her breath but we all heard her. I threw my bowl of hot grits at her hitting her square in the head. The only one to help her was Damien. My parent only care about themselves and their money.

"You only did that because you feel bad. Somewhere under your fucked up parenting. YOU KNOW you did me wrong. That's why I'm not worried about you not leaving your money to me. Because of two things, one I am you only child. And you two assholes could never bear someone outside of the family touching the money you worked so hard for. And two you feel bad. You will always feel bad for how you treat me. You hate me, but you know that without me you two would be nothing more than the hurtful people you are. At least with me in the picture, I make you look less menacing." I stood up and walked towards my parents.

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