The Besties

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Zion's POV

We were in my car driving to the mall, to get outfits for the party tomorrow. Naomi's pretty brown eyes were glaring at me from the passenger's seat. Naomi hates shopping. As 'plus size' shoppers we tried not to go shopping too often because there wasn't much out there for us. But Ni hated shopping.

She hated that when she did find a plus size section it was in the back corner of the store, as if thicker women were second class. She always said "Why can't they make all the clothes come in different sizes." I understood what she was saying and I felt the same way. She was just more adamant about it than I was.

"Can you stop glaring at me please." It was becoming more difficult to ignore her stares.

"Can you not be late to our bestie outings? Can you not work yourself to death? Can I hang out with you without having to make an appointment?" Okay she was more angry than I thought she was.

"I said I was sorry Ni. What else do you want me to do? I'm here now aren't I? Isn't that all matters?" I cut my eyes at her for a second then looked back at the road. We pulled into the mall parking lot. I understood her anger as I had been neglecting her lately, but it was only because work was so important to me. I didn't want to fail. Climbing the ladder in Human Resources at a big company like this was my dream, so I know that I want to do everything and anything to succeed. I guess I didn't factor in Naomi. I didn't factor in anybody.

Naomi and I have been friends since the 9th grade. We met on the school bus and really connected because our personalities were so similar. We joke about being the same person in two different bodies all the time. We moved to New York after we both graduated from college. We always knew that we wanted to live it up in the big city together. And now that we are here, we both have full time jobs and we haven't been able to enjoy it like we should. Well she has been able to enjoy herself more because she found AJ, but I haven't gotten out there really.

"Sorry, doesn't always cut it Zi, we both know that we moved up here together. But I'm starting to feel like I came alone. If it wasn't for AJ we would be having this conversation weeks ago. I kept thinking its going to get better but it didn't. You kept canceling our dates, coming home late and now you almost made me go shopping by myself. I know I sound really selfish right now but that's all love. You can't keep working yourself to the bone. You will make yourself sick." I pulled in to a parking spot and turned off the car, then turned to face her. Jeez she was laying it on thick today. But that's how our relationship is. If there is a problem we are blunt about it. So that we can handle the situation and keep it pushing.

"Okay, I get it. I hear you. I will make more time for you and myself. Work will take a back seat for a bit. We will go to this party and enjoy ourselves. Now let's get this shopping over with." I put my hand on the car door to get out but Naomi stopped me.

"One more thing." She paused and bit her lip, signaling that she was nervous. "At this party, at least try to be open to whatever comes your way. Be open to new experiences. I know it's easier said than done for to introverts like us but please just go with an opened mind." She looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Yeah, okay Ni. Whatever you want. I'm not sure why you are acting like that. Can we go shopping now?" I rolled my eyes and slid out the car. I'm not sure what that whole open your mind thing was about but all it made me think of was the fact that KB was going to be there. I remembered the look on his face when we made eye contact less than an hour ago, and it sent butterflies through my stomach. Open to new experiences whatever that means.

We walked into mall and headed to a few stores before we went into the one we knew, was going to be the spot for us, Forever 21. Looking through clothes racks, I could tell that Ni, was frustrated as her brows were furrowed.

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