Request - Klaus Mikaelson and Isaac Lahey "Game Over"

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Sequel to "A little bit of help" (July 2016), "A price to pay" (July 2016), "Not a Choice" and "A Game of Chess"

Triggerwarning: Violence and Death

"Are you nervous, love?" Klaus grabbed your trembling hand and you shook your head. "Because I promise there is absolutely nothing to worry about." His fingers rubbed your knuckles and you took a few deep breaths.

Nervous was not exactly the word you would choose to describe whatever you were feeling right now. You were just very aware of the fact that Isaac could arrive any moment and that things would probably go downhill from there.

"Where is Klaus MIkaelson?"

Klaus looked up with a grin on his face and he folded his hands while he placed his chin on them. "Did you tell your little werewolf boyfriend where he could find us? I hate to say this to you, but I think that was a terrible mistake." He stood up from his seat and he lifted his hands up in the air. "Klaus Mikaelson, the one and only, what can I do for you?"

"Well, for starters you could stop forcing my girlfriend to go on dates with you." Isaac pointed at you and you took a deep breath before you pushed yourself up from your seat.

"Klaus, Isaac, maybe we should go outside and settle this whole thing?" You looked around and smiled at all the people who were staring at the two boys you were trying to keep apart. You scratched the back of your neck and made your way to the door. "We'll be right back."

"Or not..." Isaac hissed between his teeth. He had his fingers curled up, hidden in the palms of his hands. His nails were probably sharpening already and you could already see Klaus tensing his muscles.

"I don't see why we couldn't simply discuss this issue in plain sight?" Klaus was still grinning and you could see how more and more hair started to cover Isaac's cheeks. "It would have been an absolute pleasure to have so many witnesses to a fight over a beautiful girl." Klaus turned his face towards Isaac and Isaac bit his lip.

"We don't need to fight over that girl, because she already has me and she doesn't need you!" Isaac took a few deep breaths and Klaus started laughing.

"She doesn't need me? So the three of you came to New Orleans with a problem that neither of you werewolves could solve because she doesn't need me." He threw his head in his neck. "And here I thought that only people with a functional brain would be good enough for her."

"You take that back!" Isaac started running, but Klaus simply moved his arm and threw the werewolf on the cold and hard floor. "She loves me! She loves me more than she has ever loved you!" Isaac pushed himself up, but Klaus grabbed Isaac's neck and lifted him up.

"How old are you? 12? 13? How old do you think she is? She is years and years older than you will ever be. You will grow old and wrinkled and she will stay beautiful forever." Klaus paused for a moment and tightened his grip. "Just like me. So, this isn't really much of a choice."

"Even when I'll die, (Y/N) won't fall for a monster like you!" Isaac spit in Klaus' face and for a short moment Klaus let the young werewolf go.

"Let's find out about that, shall we?" Klaus removed the spittle from his face and flashed to the werewolf boy. Klaus' hand plunged into Isaac's chest and you held your breath before you started screaming.

"No! No! Please! Don't kill him!" You shook your head, your eyes were wide open and you could feel your own heart beating in your chest.

"Why would I dread the inevitable, Love?" Klaus smirked and you could see how Isaac stopped moving, stopped fighting, his face showing nothing but panic. "He would die anyway. It's only gentle to make him do so quickly, don't you think?" With one smooth movement Klaus pulled the werewolf's heart out.

"Klaus!" You froze for a moment, but then you ran towards the lifeless body of your boyfriend and you kneeled down next to him. "Isaac...Isaac..." You felt the tears rolling down your cheeks and you carefully placed his head in your lap. "I'm so sorry..." You pressed your forehead to his and you closed your eyes. "I'm so sorry..."

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