Klaus Mikaelson - The child that could not be

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You dropped the knife you were using to cut the bread when you cut yourself, but you didn't do anything to cover the wound it had created. You had felt the cut, but you didn't feel the pain now. You didn't feel anything. You only felt numb. You should have been happy now, you should have made plans for the future, but all you could think about was what should have been, but never would be.

"You're bleeding all over my carpet, love..." Klaus had come into the room without you noticing, and it was only after the first few words that you raised your head and looked at him. It startled him, that was clear to see in his eyes.
"Let's cover up this wound...", he said, hesitantly. It was bleeding, quite a lot actually, but you didn't move. He grabbed the table cloth, tore off a piece and wrapped it around your hand. "Freya can have a look at it later... what is the matter, sweetheart? I don't know you like this..."

"I lost our baby..." It was as if those four little words opened a dam of emotions. As if saying it out loud made it real, as if until you had told Klaus, it was still something that could be reversed. It couldn't. It was real, far too real.

"You...what?" Klaus frowned, and after a few moments, he stroked his own hair with his hand, clenching his lips. "Our child... gone?" His gaze trailed to your stomach that was still flat, as flat as it had been a few days ago when there was still a baby growing there.
"There's no heartbeat anymore..." His voice had dropped to not much more than a whisper.

You shook your head.
"I know. I... I don't know what happened."

"When..." He still stared at you, as if he couldn't decide if he wanted to wrap you in his arms and comfort you, or if he should blame you for losing the child he so desperately wanted.

"It started yesterday morning. I called the doctor and I had to come in today. She made an ultrasound... there's nothing anymore." You bit your lip, but couldn't help starting to cry. "I'm so sorry Klaus. I know how much you wanted... and I... I really wanted this child..." It was hard to form coherent sentences, to even order your thoughts so you could say what you wanted.

He seemed to wake up from his stupor and stepped forward, wrapping you in his arms, somewhat clumsy, as if he didn't know how to comfort someone, but he was there... that was all that mattered.
"You have absolutely nothing to feel sorry for, love. These things happen. And even if it was someone who made this happen, it wasn't you."

You could only hold on to him, the only other person in the world who knew what the two of you would get in less than a year. Who knew what had been taken from you. And then you cried.

He wasn't silencing you. He was just holding you, stroking your hair, being the person you had wished to be the father of your child, despite his many shortcomings.
"We'll get past this, Y/N. I don't know if another child will be granted for us, seeing that this one was already a miracle, but we are stronger than this. Once all tears have been shed, you'll find that I was right. And this child, the child that could not be... this child will not be forgotten."

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