Request - Klaus Mikaelson "Unbearable"

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"Klaus?" You carefully entered the room where one of your best friends was dying while your best friend was trying with all he had in him to prevent that from happening. You hadn't seen Klaus in days, understanding he needed to be with Cami after everyone had been in shock after she turned up, bitten by Lucien, doomed to die if no one could find some cure you hadn't been able to find when Finn died. You could only hope it would work this time. And that was what all of you had been doing, until you gave up today, deciding you needed to see her one more time in case it wouldn't work out.
"How is she doing?"

Klaus turned around, looking worse than you had ever seen him. No matter how shocked he had been when Aurora was back in town. No matter how defeated he had been when he thought his own siblings had betrayed him and left him completely alone. No matter how angry he had been after Katherine had escaped him. Nothing could be compared with how miserable he looked now.
"Worse... She is only deteriorating and I can't do anything about it." He sounded bitter, angry. Defeated.

You noticed how he didn't let go of her hand, how he still stayed close to her, even when you thought she wouldn't notice it anymore.
"She's still alive?", you asked while you sat down next to the bed.

"Barely...", he just answered.
"It's not fair, Y/N. All she did was stand up for me when she shouldn't have to. I did not deserve her loyalty. She still had so much life ahead of her. So much to discover. And now Lucien has taken all that life, all those possibilities from her." He pressed his lips together.
"And no matter how much I will make him pay for what he did to her, it will never be enough to bring her back."

The look in his eyes made you want to do something to make it all better. The problem was that you couldn't. The problem was no one could. No matter how Freya was trying to find a cure, no matter how Elijah was working to solve this whole problem, no matter how you were willing to do everything to keep Cami alive, she would die. She was already dying, right before your eyes.
"Does it help, being here?", you just wanted to know.

"It helps her, or so I hope. I'm distracting her so she will not have to endure the pain..." His traits hardened, no doubt thinking about how he could repay Lucien for this. No matter if he knew that it was not going to help Camille, he was not going to let anyone do this to him of the few people he loved without some kind of retribution.
"As much as I hate the phrase, I am trying to make her comfortable. It is because of me that she will die, far too young, so it has to be me who makes it bearable."

You swallowed, trying to fight you tears.
"And who will make this bearable for you, Niklaus?" You voice broke when you pronounced his name, wishing there was something you could do.
"And for me? And for everyone who will miss her more than we can ever know?" You had no idea anymore how you had done that all those centuries before. Not getting attached to anyone suddenly seemed like the better option all along, but it was too late for that. You had started to like Camille, not just because Klaus liked her, but because she was the person you had always hoped you would become before Klaus totally changed your life. Seeing her die here, seeing Klaus suffer because of that was more than you could handle.

"No one will..." His tone hardened. "No doubt she would know what to say on this, but I don't." He took your hand in his free hand, squeezing it.
"I don't know how we'll go on without her, love... even when she has been with us for only such a short time, but we will have to find a way. Will you join me in making this as easy for her as possible?"

You nodded, closing your eyes and concentrating on both of your friends. If she had to go, all you could do was help her do it. It might even help you find peace, even when you didn't believe it. No matter what, no matter how, Lucien would pay for this.

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