Klaus & Elijah Mikaelson - "Look at me"

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"Please don't leave me..." You clung to Elijah's arm when he wanted to walk into the next room, a room where you could already hear Klaus do what he would call justice. 

"I don't want to be alone anymore..." You winced when you heard the men who had kidnapped you scream when Klaus was slaughtering them. You hated them, but you didn't want to see them dead. Not over you. Even when you knew they had signed their own death warrant when they had laid their hands on you. They had wanted to hurt the Mikaelsons. They would pay the price for that.

Elijah's hand gripped yours.
"I should help my brother... even when he is perfectly capable of handling them alone. They attacked you, Y/N. I can't let that go over without any consequences... not only for your sake, but it would set an awful precedent." He wanted to let go of you. "I will be back before you know it."

You shook your head, holding on to him even more than before.
"Klaus is handling them. I don't want to know what he's doing to them, but he's handling them fine on his own, really. Please, Elijah, I need you here. I need someone here."

He looked over his shoulder again, deciding Klaus would be able to handle it all by himself. The sounds were slowly dying already, so he might be too late by now.
"Try not to kill them all, Niklaus... we need at least one or two of them to interrogate...", he said calmly over his shoulder before positioning himself between you and the door. "Keep your eyes on me, Y/N. Do you hear me? Don't lose me from sight."

You had barely noticed how your breathing had sped up, how your heartbeat was way too fast and how close you were to collapsing. You gripped Elijah's other arm when he was offering it to you, clinging to him like your life depended on it. You looked in his eyes, trying to drone out everything Klaus was doing in the next room, until the world started to be a bit more stable than it was before.

"That's it, Y/N. Don't think about what happened there. They got exactly what they deserved." He didn't say the next sentence, but you almost heard him say it anyway. They got what they would have done to you in the end. "There is a time for mercy, but this isn't it... If we would have been merciful here, it would have endangered you and others, also my niece, more than this."

"He's right, you know..." Klaus was standing in the door opening, leaning against the side. "Mercy might not just be for the weak, like our father taught us, but in this case it would have been totally wasted." He grinned, looking at Elijah. "I see you had the more pleasant task out of the two of us? You'll be happy to know I left three of them more or less alive. They're a bit bruised, but they'll be fine. At least, before we question them. I wasn't planning on letting them be fine after that. I hope you agree with me on that point?" He shrugged and walked towards the two of you. "You're welcome, love, by the way."

You nodded, trying not to pay attention to the blood that was staining his hands and face.
"Thanks... I... I was the one keeping Elijah here, ok? He wanted to help you."

Elijah frowned when he looked at his brother.
"I see you were perfectly able to handle this by yourself. Get yourself cleaned up before you get home, will you, before you scare your daughter. I'll make sure no one will find anything suspicious here. As for you." He looked at you, his look growing softer at the sight of you. "I believe it is better you don't see what I have to do here. Just ride home with Niklaus, ok? We'll see each other at home."

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