Klaus Mikaelson - "Please don't do this."

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WARNING: Major character death in this drabble

"Still convinced that choosing Lucien over me was the right decision?" Klaus was circling the chair where you were bound in, the salt on the ground indicating the barrier you knew you couldn't cross. He had you trapped.

And you were screwed.
"I..." You didn't know what you had to say. You had picked Lucien's side, even after he had made himself known as an enemy of the Mikaelsons instead of the friend he had pretended to be for such a long time.

"Choose your words carefully, love, You only get one chance to defend yourself. Should your plea be unsatisfactory, you will not live to see the next dawn." He stopped right in front of you squatting down to look you in the eye.

All you could see was rage. A cold, hard look where you had once seen caring, maybe even love. None of it was left.
"Please don't do this, Klaus..." You didn't have a reason that was good enought to convince him to let you go.

"I don't hear anything..." He stood up again, only to stand closer to you, placing his finger under your chin and forcing you to look up to him.
"I demanded a reason, love, not a plea for your life I will not listen to. You chose HIM, Y/N. You chose him, even when you knew he meant ill to me, to my entire family. You betrayed all of us. There should be no excuse for that and would you have been anyone else, your body would be rotting with Lucien at this very moment. I am giving you a chance I wouldn't give anyone else, Y/N. Give me a good reason and I might consider sparing your life. Might..."

You shook your head, the tears springing in your eyes.
"I didn't have one. I just... I fell for him, Klaus. That was all. Are you going to punish me for falling in love?" You knew what he answer would be. You knew that this wasn't going to be good enough by far to change Klaus' mind. You glanced out of the window, knowing that it was the last look on the outside world you were ever going to get, until Klaus yanked your head back, forcing you to look at him while he sentenced you.

"Falling in love does not make betraying me, my siblings, my daughter right, love. I have given you an opportunity and you have not taken it. Give Lucien my regards."

The pain was excruciating when his hand closed around your heart and you heard yourself scream for one moment before everything turned black.

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