Klaus Mikaelson - My door will always be open

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You shook your head, biting your lip to prevent tears from pooling from your eyes. 

"I can't do that, Klaus. Not... not after everything I've seen. Not after what you've done."

The question had been so simple, yet so complicated at the same time. It had been a question you never had expected Klaus to ask. You hadn't been prepared for it either, never even considered it would come. Not in a thousand years. A thousand years Klaus might have, but you hadn't. And you hadn't been able to give another answer. You didn't have an eternity to come to peace with what he was.

"Could you be happy, here, with me?" Klaus hadn't gone on one knee for you, but he had dinner prepared. Candles were lit, the rest of the family was anywhere else than around the two of you. Creating a romantic atmosphere... who'd have thought Klaus was able to do that?

Then again... he couldn't have killed his way through countries and cities for a thousand years. He must have learned more. Which he clearly displayed. And still... you couldn't. The answer you had given him was the only one you could.
"Please Klaus... just understand. I'm only human. I have a few good years ahead of me and I don't want to spend them worrying about what you're up to now."

"But I..." He wanted to say something to make you change your mind, but stopped immediately.
"No, I can't change. I've been who I am for far too long already. I might be willing to try, but we all know I would fall back."

You nodded.
"And that's exactly what I can't live with. I like you... and under different circumstances I might have been able to love you. I just can't overlook everything in the name of love. That's not me." And it pained you, really. You wanted this to work. You had found him charming, the first time you had met. When you didn't know yet what he was. When you had no idea from what he was capable.
"It's not because I don't want to, Klaus. It's because I can't..." You laid down your fork and stood up from you chair.
"Maybe it's a good thing you asked now."

"And why is that, love?" He stood up as well, the meal he had probably compelled some chef for forgotten between you. "Because heartbreak now would be less painful than in a year, or two, maybe even five? I know this can't last, Y/N. I know I will never be able to become what you want me to. But can't we be happy for that time we might have?"

You shook your head, knowing you had to do this. Even when your heart told you something different.
"For you that might work, Klaus, you have an eternity to heal. But if I give my heart to you now, I know I'll need the rest of my life to heal once you break it. I can't do that. And please... don't try to stop me. Or you might succeed."

He nodded.
"I can't say I completely understand, but you will get what you want. Just know that the offer still stands. If you change your mind anytime soon, my door will always be open for you, my love. And I hope you will remember that offer."

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